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Moving On: The Jets Debacle...

November 19, 2007 by Swissvale72

Moving On: The Jets Debacle

�the day after



I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate when it might look like I was right�..or that I was some fuckin� seer, or a prophet, a huckster of Steeler negatives.


When other people do it�..I take them to task�.accuse them or prioritizing Being Right vs. SBI (Steelers best interest).  Thank God there�s no rolling smiley option on this new site!!  In fact, my son still has no allowance for identifying before the Denver game, a connection between my Uncle Oney bringing a TV to my grandma�s wake in �89, where we watched the Browns shellac the Steelers 51-0, in a backroom of Nied�s Funeral Home in Swissvale�.and the arrangement to have a TV at my nephew�s wedding reception, scheduled concurrent with the Denver game a few weeks back.  TonyV15220 and I told the little shit, in no uncertain terms, to Shut the Fuck Up, as soon as those word parsed his lips, but it was too late�..we were jinxed.


A few weeks back, and I don�t have access to the words right now�.back on my home PC, or my laptop (�and I�m too damn impatient to wait), in an article where I placed myself in the future, looking back on the regular season as the playoffs were about to start, or perhaps as the Steelers were traveling to Foxboro on December 9th, I said the following��Can you believe that we lost to the shitty Jets in the Meadowland?�  Why, why, why�.did I say such a thing.  And if I thought it, why the fuck did I have to write it.  Then, I want on to say in the piece entitled�..�The Good, the Bad, the Feo,  a review/preview after Week 7:

       �In the Meadowland, Sunday before Turkey Day?  Not counting that as a win either.  Even

        against yet-winless St. Louis on the Thursday nighter, December 20th.  Dome, Santa

        Claus�.could be trouble.  Plus�.my ass will be in the air on the way to Florida as the game

        kicks off.  Might need to miss my connection in DC�.rest of the family would be glad to

        leave my Steelers OCD ass at Ronald Reagan Airport, proceed on to the Sunshine State

        without the Family Pain in the Ass�

I was emphasizing that there is no such as a gimme on the road in the NFL.  And yes�please�.let�s remember that when we venture into St. Louis on December 20th. Only good news, personally, is that the Florida trip is canceled due to, ummm�.financial constraints.  My ass won�t be in the air, won�t need to miss that one, won�t need to depend on Neighbor Chuck to overnight the tape, won�t need to spend 12 days with my Pats Fans, but Dumb as Shit, in-laws.


A few thoughts on yesterday�s debacle, which I won�t spend much time on, as there�s surely not an original thought left on that game.


Don�t know if the Steelers are that much better than mediocre, to wit�.

*A team with as shitty a line as we have will never go very far.  Hell��on consecutive weeks,  against two of the NFL�s worst statistical defenses, we couldn�t run, and surrendered 11 sack (to teams that had combined for what, 16 sacks in 17 pervious games heretofore).


*Looks like this O is crippled sans Santonio.  Hines??  Dunno�..drops, not open�maybe he�s just not right yet


*Hate to give credit like this�..but let�s remember.  Mangini is a Belichick prodigy (even though they now hate each other).  He had a couple weeks to craft a gameplan�..contain Ben�s high-wire act.  Not many would do it better


*Everyone has their pet critical play from yesterday.  The play that indisputably would have sealed victory was our 3rd & 2 with about 2 and a half minutes remaining.  Didn�t necessarily want to run Najeh, though we had had some success this game doing so on 3rd & short.  But one would think that if we eschewed the run on 3rd & short, going with a bit of surprise in throwing the ball, that we�d at least be able to get the ball in the air.


*Troy?? His hair looks much worse when he�s missing tackles�.the hair flying in the breeze�.makes him way more noticeable.


Moving on�.we can beat New England at Foxboro?? HaHaHaHa�..ROTFLMAO


Sorry, just being honest here, and I�m nothing if not a Steelers optimist.  Thank God we won the 2 division games on the road�at least we did the right thing there.  Other than that�we lose to the shitty Jets, and we think we can beat the Pats at the Razor.  Damn�.gotta call TonyV15220�..tell ya what, Tony.  I know you booked your flight�still come up�we�ll get pizza, have some beer�sell Stupid Charlie�s tickets�..he�ll never know.  �Hey, awesome seats, Charlie�.had a great time.  Oh yeah, loved being heckled and ridiculed by your Pats cronies as our team got their asses handed to them.�


Let�s go with my original Plan A, Tony.  Lock all the fuckin� doors to my house, pull the shades, turn off the lights, wear hooded Steelers sweatshirts, so our faces won�t be visible to any spies�.watch stealthly in the basement. 


I do not, in my present frame of mind, want to venture to Foxboro on December 9th.  Right now, I�m likening it to being dropped into the Arctic Ocean in a speedo.  I�ll feel horribly exposed in that setting� sticking my finger in a pencil sharpener.  WHY would I want to do that??


Tell ya  what�.we will win next Monday�.there is NO fuckin� doubt about that.  I remain VERY worried about the Sunday nighter versus the Bengals, particularly in that the past two years, we've lost at Heinz to Cinci following Monday nighters.  Win those two, lose to the Pats�.we�re still okay.  Jags game, no surprise, will be a battle.


This may be a fight to the end with the Brownies.  Take a look at their schedule�which game can�t they win?  They will lose, of course, but their sched is very favorable.


Still seeing a divisional crown in our future�..#2 seed, very doubtful now.  Wild card game at home�.hopefully, we prevail.  Right now today�..can�t see us going much further.


Sorry for the melancholy.  Kool-Aid machine�s out of order today�.


Happy 18th, Idie!!

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