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yes that's it...just my shirt

November 29, 2006 by Swissvale72

yes that�s it�just my shirt

yes that�s it�just my shirt


By Swissvale72



I jumped the gun yesterday, was guilty of prematurely evacuation (vacating the bandwagon before the final stop).


Forget about �Who we gonna root for.�We�re gonna root for the Pittsburgh Steelers.This is the fuckinAlamo�..and we�re Sam Houston and Jim Bowie�..up against Santa Fuckin� Ana in the person of our AFC Rivals.


Bear with me for a bit�.some of my�uh�permutations might be wrong.Might need an engineer to figure out the true playoff pic�.one that hails from Georgia Tech, Carnegie Tech�.or�..maybe even Alabama�.home of Tide and the Alabama School of Laundry Arts.Ay�Ay�Ay�..maybe Cowher takes the �Bama job�..he might look good in Crimson.Can see it now�..he bows to the Cow College from across the State�.this for the 6th consecutive time, and he�s yukkin� it up at midfield with the War Eagle QB.This time though, one of the Tuscaloosa County sheriffs assigned to guard his ass, arrests his ass instead�ships his ass to a Muscle Shoals chain gang, where Cowher spends the rest of his days, introduced to the joy of bustin� rock.


Anyway��suppose�.just suppose�.that the Steelers win out.I know, and I agree, that it�s more likely that Barney Frank�s with a woman tonight than this rag-tag bunch, in total disarray, minus two of its stars, winning 5 in a row.I�m�.frankly�..not confident that we�ll beat Tampa Bay on Sunday�.not sure of beating the shitty Brownies next Thursday. But�.just suppose.And Signplax, you dipshit�..don�t EVEN suggest that this is Koolaid.I�m not saying that it WILL happen, you horse�s ass�.just saying consider the possibility!!


Now��what can�t happen with these scenarios


NYJ lose at Green Bay, at Minnesota, at Miami�..or lose to Buffalo at home


Jax lose at Miami, at home to Indy and New England�..or lose at KC


KC lose at San Diego, at home to Baltimore, and Jax�.or lose at Oakland (Raidas been playing tough in road trips to KC & SD�.this game will be national on Christmas Eve Eve�.the feast of the Immaculate Reception�..Raidas�.33rd anniversary (think #33�Frenchy Fuqua) of in their minds, getting royally screwed at TRS!!Ay�ay�ay�..KC could lose at Cleveland this weekend�.let�s not forget who�s their coach!!


Okay�.play it out�.Buffalo loses a couple, Miami loses one�.these will happen.


And finally�..for pure drama�.let�s have Cinci lose tomorrow to Baltimore, then win their next 3, even at Denver, at Indy��


What can�t happen in the above scenarios (again�.humor me on the Steelers winning out).�� If the above happens, then�.



Steelers at Bengals on New Year�s Eve�..maybe it�s shifted to 8:30, or at least 4:15�.winner takes the #6 playoff spot�..goes to��San Diego on January 6th or 7th.




Forget who do we root for, can the talk of draft picks��.we live for one more week�.Sunday�s game has meaning�..let the scoreboard watching continue.


And��for you stupid asses who say why make the playoffs, this team stinks, would be one & done�.by definition, morons��these Steelers would be a hot team�these Steelers would have won 5 straight�.7 of 8.They�d be ready��they�d rip through SD��send all the wetbacks home in tears�..back to Indy��beat on Manning once more�.then, triumphantly��to Baltimore�..where we�d extract revenge on the Purple Thugs.



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