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Fashion Faux Paus...Steelers Style

October 15, 2007 by Swissvale72

Fashion Faux Pas�Steelers Style

Beauty School Dropout comes out

By Swissvale72



I had an opportunity to travel to Connecticut this week for the purpose of interviewing Beauty School Dropout in his salon, Please Let Us Do You.  BSD shared his thoughts on dressing for the game, and related fashion items:


S72:  BSD, where do you come by the fashion sense?  We thought the beautician angle was your gig.

BSD:  Actually, Swiss, I was first employed in both the Men�s & Women�s Department at Kaufmann�s, Downtown on Fifth Avenue.  I guess you could say I went both ways.  It was while there that I saw a specific market for hairstyling of the Burgh�s gay population.  We developed a flyer, targeted to the gay community, said, �Bring your cock to the Kaufmann�s Clock.�

S72:  Catchy, BSD.

BSD:  Yes, it�s all about marketing.  Slogans, bylines, image.  Right now I�m trying to help RONNYRON from the board with this image in his salon.

S72:  Oh?

BSD:  Yeah, the Ronster basically is a very bad advertisement.  Makes a point of saying he can wear his hair however he wants, then has it cut in a ghastly latter-day Amish do.  Looks like it's done by the Butcher of Seville.

S72:  His problems likely run deeper than that though, right, BSD?

BSD:  Well, he has this oafish look about him, but he can�t help that.  He�s also frankly, a dullard.  Can�t help that either.

S72:  Let�s talk about fashion at Steeler games, BSD.  Specifically, is it appropriate to wear a white jersey to Heinz Field?

BSD:  I know that people do it, but it�s a clear faux pas.  Heinz Field is all about black & gold.  Why would anyone wear a jersey that has as its base color, white, the color that the opposition would be attired in that day?

S72:  But BSD, suppose that that was one�s only jersey?

BSD:  Let�s look at the root of the problem then, S72.  If one has only one jersey, one would have to be a dolt to purchase in white.  If it were a gift, one�s family or friends would need to be equally stupid.  One jersey, it must be black.

S72:  What about for road games, BSD?  What color should one wear?

BSD:  Actually, one has greater flexibility with road games, S72.  A Steeler fan can never go wrong wearing black, but a white jersey will match our team�s colors, providing that they are indeed wearing their whites that day.

S72:  So, when I travel to Foxboro on December 9th, I can wear either?

BSD:  Indeed  you can, S72.  Be careful though, the collection of nitwits & cretins now assembled at Gilette may make every effort to soil a well-dressed Steeler fan.  I�d advise not to wear your best.

S72:  Will you be in Foxboro, BSD?

BSD:  I shall.  In fact, RONNYRON will accompany me.  We will set up shop on Route 1 in Foxboro, seeking to attract specifically the transgendered populace of New England.  That�s RONNYRON�s specialty.  This campaign is entitled, �Bring your Thing to the Razor.�  Special half-price offer for GLBTQQ members.

S72:  BSD, I�m almost embarrassed to say that I wear my whites or blacks to match the Steelers jersey of the day even while watching at home on TV.  Is that immature, juvenile, ridiculous?

BSD:  Not at all, S72.  You�ve heard coaches say, �We practice like we play.�  Applies perfectly in this instance.  If you consistently make the proper choice in the sanctity of your living room, you�ll undoubtedly do the right thing at the stadium.

S72:  What about those pink, or gold things, that chicks wear sometimes, BSD?  Okay for Heinz.

BSD:  Absolutely not.  While the female fandom may consider them sporty, they�re actually blasphemous to the Steeler tradition.  Which garish color will be next.  Shall it be orange, or red? Thank you for raising this question, S72, as it  brings up another point.  I�ve little use for bogus naming of colors.  If I want salmon, or haddock for that matter, I�ll go to Wholley�s, not Saks Fifth Avenue.  Nothing better than a Pittsburgh girl in her black & gold jersey!!  The throwback jerseys are also outstanding.

S72:  Thanks, BSD.  Hope to see you in Foxoboro on December 9th for a Steeler victory.

BSD:  Sure thing, S72, and please invite the trannies from the Live Free or Die State to frequent our booth.  RonnyRon should do well with Granite Staters, about the same consistency as his head�.LOL.

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