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November 13, 2006 by Swissvale72


By Swissvale72



Is it Koolaid to keep hope alive?  Is it Koolaid to believe in your team�s chances?  It is Koolaid to think, that just maybe�.should we take care of our business, that it can �happen�again?


Preamble:  Just got back from the Y, where I sometimes draw inspiration for the superfluous articles that I write, and where I go to repel, for as long as I can, the inevitable forces of gravity.  Speaking of gravity though, I ran headlong into the WSAD Celebration at the Nashua, New Hampshire YMCA.  Wet Saggy Ass Day�.my locker was surrounded by aged men with wet saggy asses.  Couldn�t wait to get the hell out of there.  In fact, there�s one guy�.has a haircut like the Sarge from Beetle Bailey�.stands at his locker naked every day, reading a paperback book�.stands there so long he makes the transition from WSD (Wet Saggy Ass) to DSD (Dry Saggy Ass).  Now, Wet Saggy Ass Day, is not necessarily a New England tradition, having its roots instead in the Mon Valley town of Donora.  Every November, was Awards Day at the Donora Y, where a team of judges from the swank 3rd Street neighborhood, would first judge the best pumpkin pie, then choose the Wettest Saggiest Ass, both winners having their photos shot with the reigning racquetball champ.

Just a little history, for those of you that�re interested.


The Game:  I was waaaaay upset at around 4:15 yesterday.  In fact�.I was running back & forth between floors, Steelers on the playroom TV�.cable broadcast.  Idiot Ravens on the 1st floor�on satellite.

What happened?? I knew that that Shithead Rob Bironas had no chance to hit that 43-yarder.  I was pleading with Jeff Fisher to allow Kerry Collins to put the ball up�.get it down to the 15�.use all remaining time�then kick.  Tell ya what�I DESPISE the New England Patriots, but should they ever meet the Ravens in the playoffs, I�ll be rooting for the Pats, whom I despise, but respect vs. the Ravens, who I despise�and loathe.


Anyway�..yesterday�s game�..few items of note�

FWP�the obvious�.monster game�.I said all off-season that this kid is much tougher than people were giving him credit for being.  Fast!!!  His second long run, which remember, directly followed the Ced Wilson drop�.he gets to the outside�I�m excited just thinking he�s going to get the first down!!  Away he goes!!


Nate�hopefully he improves�.old adage, though it�s obviously not this simple�is that a receiver gets 2 hands on the ball, he makes the catch.  Twice yesterday�..Nate didn�t come up with the ball under these circumstances.


Skippy�.WTF!!!....Every week now�ya miss a makeable FG�.too much time in the bathroom at the CF event!!


Tyrone Carter�.can�t cover, but the little shit sure can hit!!


Don�t like the similarities to �02�.consecutive home games, we surrender 31 points�..yes�.we had injuries in the secondary�..but waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much!!  Who the hell is Anthony Madison�.�nother Bama corner�.can�t even stand upright.  I think Deshea recruited him from the laundry room, where he was working on another Tide derivative�.or from the Bama toyroom, manufacturing those elephants that play the �Bama fight song.

Who's next, in the Steelers secondary.....Nancy Pelosi??

Weeks ahead:


Gotta believe, that should we run the table, go 10-6�.we�ll get the help we need.  And�.I�m starting to think that it may come in the form of a wildcard slot.  Both KC & Jax lost yesterday.  Look at the Jax schedule�.not easy�.bet they lose 7�.KC�I�m a little worried about�.not many road challenges�just San Diego�be rooting for Denver on Thanksgiving night.  Can�t believe that I�m bemoaning the Pats losing to the Jets yesterday.  Still�..would not be shocked to win out, grab the #6 slot� the playoffs�.at New England�.or�.at BALTIMORE!!


Not Koolaid�.not saying it will happen�..but hell�.what�s more fun�.for it to be mid-November, and still believe in your team�s chances, or pack it in early�..focus on next September??

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