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December 19, 2006 by Swissvale72








By Swissvale72



It�s all about keeping hope alive, keeping excitement going, as long as it can go. At 2-6, how many thought that we�d be going into Christmas weekend still hopeful of a playoff spot. Hell, even the players were talking about making statement for next year.


Too many great posts on the message board that fully explain the scenarios that land the Steelers a playoff spot, but�.chances are�that should the Steelers take care of business vs. the Ravens on Christmas Eve, they�ll still be alive going into the final weekend�.perhaps just barely, but still alive.


However, if three favorites win their games, the Denver Broncos (athome), the Miami Dolphins (at home), the New England Patriots (away), the Steelers playoff hopes are transformed from faint to solid, a glimmer to both handfuls.


So�this week�s bite of the elephant (�.not that Crimson �Bama elephant�but the elephant that resides in all of our minds)�..plays itself out, dramatically enough in differing timeslots.


Not necessarily key to our hopes, but let�s root for KC to beat Oakland on Saturday night. Then, 1:00 Sunday.I�ll have TVs stacked�.bottom tube, via satellite will bring me Steelers vs. Ravens. Top TV, via cable on Boston�s Channel 4, will bring me NE vs. JAX. ��I�ll be rooting for the despised Patriots like never before�.I�ll be lovin Tom Brady�.don�t break your leg this week, Tommy. Tedy Bruschi��re the greatest!!Damn�.maybe Rodney Harrison can come back. Corey Dillon�run like a mother-fucker!!


Both those games in our pocket, NFL SundayTicket will bring me Broncos-Bengals at 4. Jay Cutler looked GOOD last week!! Nobody�s as smart as Shanny. Go Doncos!!Supposed to go out at 6�.damn�.I�ll tape, watch the rest later.


Then�.Christmas night�..8:30� to have the Dolphins bring their A-game. Please, let Jason Taylor break Pennington�s leg�.or even just a concussion that sends him out of the game�.or better yet, a headinjury that keeps him in, and makes him do stupid shit!! Gotta hope that Taylor, Zach Thomas et al wanna play strong on national TV. These Fins�beat the Pats, 21-0 won week, lose to the Bills by the same score the following. Go Fins!!


Let�s hope that the Titans beat the Bills, too. Probably won�t happen, then we�ll be in the bizarro position of placing our fate in the hands of the hated Ravens the following week, who will need to win to likely keep their #3 position and play, first round of the playoffs�the Pittsburgh Steelers!!! I remember all too well, Bill Belichick just about tanking last year�s finale vs. Miami, thus avoiding a first-round matchup with the Steelers.


Okay�.enough of that�.getting ahead of ourselves�..two bits of the elephant left. Let�s be careful�.one fuckin� bite at a time!!


Game #15 approaches�..we�re still alive�still hopeful.

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