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Patriots, Kraft & Other NFL Excesses

September 09, 2005 by Swissvale72

Patriots, Kraft & other NFL Excesses





Patriots, Kraft & other NFL Excesses


Didn�t take long.I had pledged not to fill the world with the negative energy of my football hatreds this year.This energy was immature, out of character for my otherwise gentle soul, bad for my heart, my family life, my marriage�..


In fact, I entered last evening so peacefully that I was asleep on the couch for the majority of the pre-game show.


Then�..I awaken at 8:45, ask my son to turn on the TV�..then�.Ozzie Osbourne in a Patriots jersey, inside a helmet, screeching so that my ears were about to explode.


Then�Fat Face Robert Kraft, in his pink accents, introducing his team.Y�know, I missed his reportedly nauseating speech about the New England fandom,which is strong in its Red Sox roots, but absolute front-runners when it comes to the region�s football team.I did see enough of him though, and please forgive me, all of you Anti-Rooneys, to know that no owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers would ever be self-promoting enough to put his mug on national TV and introduce his team!!!


I hate Bob Kraft!!I hate the New England Patriots!!I hate the Patriots so-called fans!!I hate WEEI!!


I also last night hated the NFL and ABC.I thought it was in particular poor taste in last night�s 4th quarter, to run a feature comparing Super Bowls rings, then & now.First of all, who cares about jewelry.More importantly, does no one think that it this time with thousand dead, and tens of thousand destitute in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, that it might be insensitive to talk about the $20,000 rings that accrue to a group of millionaires.It�s useless anymore to ask if these guys need this�..could not this money have been spent more usefully. This may seem a reach to many of you, but I found it particularly irksome.


I�m looking forward to Sunday.The anti-Cowher sentiment appears to be at record levels without the season having yet begun.I�m looking forward to a fast start in the first two weekends, then a major showdown two weeks hence against the Patriots.


By the way, and this is not conveyed hatefully, �cause it�s not with malice when I say that I hope that Tom Brady breaks his leg next week.Nothin� personal, Tom; I actually kind of like you, think you�re the best.It�s �cause you�re the best though, that you�ve got to be taken out.I was once taken to task on this board for rooting for injuries.I think though, that the sophisticated fan realizes that we�ve got to root for anything that gives us a competitive advantage.


Been awhile since I�ve been on�.one of my summer highlights was talking to our colleague PlaxicoIsWhacked at his haunt in Summerside, Prince Edward Island in the Canadian Maritimes.I own a cottage in PEI, and Whacked lives not even an hour away.Damn solid Steeler fan�..


Been planning my Football Extravaganza Weekend.My 12-year-old son, Anthony, and I, will fly into Pittsburgh on Friday, October 28th, see Penn State-Purdue the following day (�.sorry, Mill, my two oldest brothers are Penn State grads�.we�ve always been PSU fans�..We Are�.Penn State!!!), then go back to Pittsburgh for Steelers-Ravens on Halloween night!!


Have a great season, my Steeler brothers�..more next week!!

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