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January 11, 2007 by Swissvale72

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Buddy Parker & the draft, blah, blah, blah�.

By Swissvale72


Would have been an article�but Main Page is down�


Had some communication the other day with my old friend, Hesske. More compelling than my having read about, heard about the late �50s-early �60s era Steelers, Hesske went to games at Forbes Field, was in Big Daddy�s presence, etc. A wee bit my elder, Hesske has direct memories of some of the items of which I write.


My remembrance of the circumstances of Buddy Parker�s departure were fairly on target. It was, in fact, after the conclusion of the �exhibition� (pre-season wasn�t in the lingo yet) that Raymond �Buddy� Parker hit the road.


Seems that the Rooneys had tired of him as well, and some of his practices, among them his penchant for trading draft choices. I didn�t realize however, until further review in the Steelers Media Guide, the dichotomy that existed between the Parker drafts, and the latter-day Steelers who made their mark by drafting effectively, year after year, including the all-time draft of 1974 that produced FOUR Hall-of-Famers.


I did remember the �65 draft, my first, Buddy Parker�s last, in which Roy Jefferson (Lord Jeff), selected in the 2nd round was the Steelers only choice until Round #7. I was admittedly surprised, however, to discover that this was an Annual event. Consider the Parker drafts:


1957:Maybe Parker arrived in town too late to put his mark on this one. Traded only our 4th & 8th picks.Remember, there were 20 rounds in those days.


1958:Traded picks #4,5,7,8


1959:Here it starts�..Steelers FIRST pick was in round #8 (gee�bet that generated a lot of excitement among the populace!)


1960:Had a pick in round #1�then none until round #7 (Pirates win the World Series on October 13th��a week later�..)


1961:Steelers select Myron Pottios on Round #2�.don�t pick again until selecting Penn State running back Dick Hoak in Round #7


1962:Choose Bob Ferguson of the Ohio State Fuckeyes in the 1st round (lasted 2 seasons with the Steelers), then don�t pick again until Round #7


1963:First choice is in Round #8


1964:An aberration�..choose Pitt DB, Wilkinsburg native Paul Martha in Round #1, switch second round picks, trade away pick in Round #10�.that�s it!!


1965:Where we started�.Roy Jefferson in Round #2�.no other picks until 7th round.


Parker leaves at this point, but his legacy continues�..don�t know the extent to which the few years following represented his action directly�.or merely his influence.


1966:Trade away picks #4, 5, 6,8�.draft all time-bust, Dick Leftridge, RB, WVU in Round #1�.with the 4th or 5th pick overall, if memory serves me well. Leftridge has less than a dozen NFL carries, again if memory serves me well. Steelers select Emerson Boozer in Round #7�.signs with the Jets.


1967:Trade picks in rounds 1, 3,5,6,7 (to be fair, picked up picks in rounds 3 & 6).


1968:Traded picks in rounds, 3, 4, 6,7�did pick up some picks as well.


1969:CHUCK NOLL�.#1-Joe Greene, #2-Terry Hanrattty, #3-Jon Kolb, #10-L.C. Greenwood


Lastly, the only pre-Noll draftees having any impact on the Super Bowl teams were a pair of 16 round picks, both having their NFL careers sandwiched around their military service

1968 #16 rounder Rocky Bleier of Notre Dame

1963 #16 rounder Andy Russell of Missouri


Oh�.last thought�of 16 Steeler coaches all-time, the only ones beside Chuck Noll & Bill Cowher winning records were Jock Sutherland, in a two-year-stint�and�.Raymond �Buddy� Parker.


Things you think about with your team not in the playoffs�.



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