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March 21, 2007 by Swissvale72



Primer #2�.Event Planning (What the Fuck was he Thinking?)

By Swissvale72



My nephew�s getting married this fall�..just turning 23�.don�t know what the fuck his rush is�but that�s beside the point�.sort of.


He has to schedule the event so as not to conflict with the Penn State home schedule, for which his Dad has club seats.


Only Saturday left in October was the 20th, a day of marked celebration throughout the Mon Valley, 7 days past October 13th, the Celebration of Bill Mazeroski�.but�..the wedding is scheduled for�..


Sunday, October 21st��What the FUCK was he thinking of�..schedule�s not out yet, but that�s almost certainly Steeler Game Day.�� ARGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!And this is a kid with solid Steeler credentials!!Been to all 5 AFC home championship games of the Cowher era�.been to the �02 Divisional Playoffs in Tennessee, flew up to New England, by himself, as a 13-year old in 1997, to join his uncle in attending the OT win against the Pats.Came to visit his girlfriend, nowhis fianc�e, in November, 2004�..brought her up to his uncle�s house in New Hampshire to watch Steelers-Eagles.�� Poor girl�..she sat threw that with us, still decides to join the family.


But getting married on a Steeler Game Day�.Why?....Where did we go wrong?


Always, always, always, consult your calendar when scheduling events��see it all the time on this board�.poster writes in that his wife scheduled little Shithead�s birthday party at 1:00 Sunday at Chucky Fuckin� Cheese�s�.should I try to watch?? �.should I tape & watch later?....should I listen on the radio???

DON�T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT POSITION��you�re asked about anything September through January�.look at the calendar first!!


January 11th, 1998��was a 90th birthday party for my Mom�s cousin, Mary Rivetti, in Forest Hills.Guess what else was that day�..AFCCG v. Denver.People, who had RSVPd, calling in in droves�.can�t come� a cough��s not gonna start�.Uncle Ollie died�..blah, blah, blah.Mom�s saying it�s horrible, everybody cancelling on poor Cousin Mary�s birthday bash.Hey Mom�..pox on both their houses.Pox on the house of the party planners for scheduling on the day of the AFCCG�.pox on the house of all that RSVPd without first checking their calendar.


Now�.I think Mary Rivetti has passed on, but Ihonestly don�t know��if not, her Centennial gig is right around the corner, next January��.earth to Mary, her family, all invitees� NOT schedule a party for Saturday or Sunday, January 12-13�..IT�S DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF WEEKEND�..Steelers will be kicking somebody�s ass in Heinz Field.


Reminds me�..Jets playoff game in �04, my brother�s brother-in-law and sister-in-law, their daughter, who�s a Steeler fan, for Pete�s sake� them tickets to some performance at the Benedum Center�.what�.she doesn�t have a calendar.�� They tell us the start of the performance was held as Steelers-Jets went into OT�.people at the Benedum Center were chanting �Here we Go Steelers, Here We Go��..waving Terrible Towels.All that�s great�.WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY DOING AT THE BENEDUM CENTER WATCHING SOME GODDAMN PLAY!!!!Steelers were in the fuckin� playoffs�..Again�no fuckin� calendar???????




There will be times when events take place that are out of your control��for me�.it�s my nephew�s wedding�.oh, was also my wife�s graduation from graduate school, same day as the Steelers-Colts Playoff in the glorious �05 Playoff Run.�� We both lied�.she said, I don�t care if you don�t come to my graduation.�Bull-SHIT.I said, �I would never miss it.�More Bull-SHIT��I taped, I kept the radio off on the way home�..I ran out the Dunkin� Donuts ina blizzard once I heard a sporting broadcast within.I started watching at 8pm.


But�.you have any input in the scheduling of events from September through January�..bring your fuckin� calendar�and the Steelers schedule.And yes, my brother assures me that this wedding�.count on their being TVs.



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