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December 07, 2006 by Swissvale72



�but I prefer Dunkin�s

By Swissvale72


Gotta admit, my Stiller brothers & sisters, that I�m still afflicted with PEIS.Yes�.Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome�the virus is alive and well in my system, filling my veins, erupting at every opportunity.


In this most dire of seasons, a season filled with a pair of 3-game losing streaks, I maintain my optimism, I proudly wear my Steeler gear, I continue to cut off the New England populace on the highways to put my Steeler wheel cover in their face, continue to say��Got FIVE, mother-fucker�.how many you got�.oh yeah�thought so??�I�m still ornery, still defiant�.PEIS is alive and very, very well.


Which brings me to tonight�.and the hope remaining in Steeler Nation.Don�t know about you asshats, but I plan to go down with the fuckin� ship this year.Not until & unless we�re mathematically fuckin� eliminated am I giving up hope.Call it kool-aid�call it what you want�just call (where have I heard those lines before?)�I don�t much give a shit.You asshats wanna give up�.throw in your fuckin� Terrible Towel�go ahead�.I�m maintaining hope.


Okay�.as instructed last week, let�s take measured bits of the elephant (�and not that crimson-ass �Bama elephant).We win tonight�.kick the Brownies asses back to Cleveland (by the way�.thanks Brownies, for prevailing over KC on Sunday�.you can still help us out some�but not tonight).We�ll go into Sunday, hoping for�..and in order:

  1. Buffalo to beat NYJ:fuckin� Jets�to think that every week, I root for the despised Patriots to lose, for Tom Brady to break his fuckin� leg�and they have to lose to the Jets!!We would be looking much better had the Pats won that game.Anyway�.we need the Jets to lose 2 conference games�.very solid chance they�ll lose at Miami on Christmas night (fuck those relatives�I�ll be in front of the tube)�but they�ve got to lose at home to either Buffalo or�.Oakland.Let�s get one in the books for us this week.Buffalo beat Jax�played SD & Indy very tough.Buffalo beats the Jets in the Meadowlands.
  2. Indy to beat Jax:They�ve had their number lately, and they had better continue to do so�..Jax needs to lose 3 of 4�.and I think they will!!They have Indy & NE at home�Tennesse & KC on the road
  3. Balt. To beat KC:Rooting this way, assuming there�s no way that the Ravens can lose to both the Browns & Bills at home�so�.let�s concede the division.We need KC to lose twice more�.let�s have their first loss be this week, then they can lose next week at San Diego, and they�re all done.We might need them to beat Jax at home in the season finale.
  4. SD to beat Denver:A long shot at overtaking the Broncs�but MC�s research tells us that should they go 9-7, tie KC�.then KC wins the division tiebreaker�and then we take the tiebreaker with KC�that said�.this Denver team can certainly lose twice more with the rookie QB, though we�ll probably need them to beat Cinci�..means they need to lose this week, then lose to either Arizona (�.in the desert, right? Could happen) or to the Gabyo 69ers at home.
  5. Oakland to beat Cinci.We can hope for this.Seems like every game Oakland plays, we�re rooting for them to win�.hell, they beat us, might as well give us some help.They also face KC, at home, on December 23rd�.the feast of the Immaculate Reception, as well as their season-ending visit to the Meadowlands to face the Jets.Realistically though�.I�m banking on Cinci losing at Indy, at Denver�.giving them 7 losses going into the finale versus�.the PITTSBURGH STEELERS.


There ya have it for Week 14 in the NFL�as the Pittsburgh Steelers cling to life.


Couple other things.Don�t wanna hear any of you asshats say that you�d rather not have us make the playoffs, just finish 9-7, go home�..wouldn�t do shit in the playoffs anyway.Hey Shit for Brains�.by definition, we go 9-7, it will have mean that the Steelers ended the season having won 5 fuckin� straight, and 7 of their final 8.By definition, we�ll be on a fuckin� roll.


Plus�what would you rather watch in the Wild Card Playoff on January 7th�..Jets at Baltimore??....or be flying high as the Steelers visit the hated Ravens, meeting them for the second time in three weeks, and their third matchup in a 7-week timeframe, seeking revenge of the November 26th massacre in Baltimore.Then�.we win that game�..what would you rather see�.the shitty fuckinJagoffs at San Diego�..or see the Steelers visit this city�.venue of my perfect recurring dream�the NiemetzPaco, Hose-hey, and Whaan�Fish Market�..could go on!!Seriously�.you�d rather have the playoffs come with no Steelers, when we could see them play into January.Winter�s less harsh, much less harsh, as long as the Steelers are alive.


Speaking of harsh�.supposed to be 20 degrees with 30mph winds, snow tonight at Heinz.Was wondering, any of you asshats ever engage in�..sexual activity� a Steeler game�not DURING a Steeler game�like on TV�but AT a Steeler game�like in the stadium?If ya have�and I most certainly have not (but would like to), it must be the ultimate�.and please share details�.date/pre-game�post-game�halftime�3rd quarter�type of activity, etc�please share.Would be a tough to tonight, I�d think�.have to shed too many fuckin� layers.


Lastly, thanks to all of you who posted condolences to me on the loss of my friend Nick this past week.I won�t go into all the details�there�s a thread on the message board devoted to this.But�I had two very good musical friends, a couple years younger than me�..both great Steeler fans�Rob & Nick.Rob was killed in an auto accident last year�..still remember very well watching the disappointing �76 AFCCG with him�..remember him calling me, out of his mind, on the morning of SB XIII.Last time, I saw Nick was 22 years ago�..watched the Steelers beat the Chargers with him in November of �84�..52-24.I�ve always felt badly that Rob didn�t get to see our Steelers win One for the Thumb.At least Nick, who died in Hawaii last week at the age of 49, where he�d lived for the past 2 decades, got to see SB XL.��� Thanks again, Steeler asshats, for the support.

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