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Duce, the BUS, and Ben

December 09, 2005 by Steel Cello

Stillers-Bills Post Game Thoughts

There are reports that Duce will not dress this weekend against CHI and that Haynes will take back 3rd down duty.So, once again, our starting RB from last year is more or less a 4th stringer.I�m not sure if there is some lingering concern with his knees, but he is not on the injury report, so I have to assume that he is healthy or close enough to it to play at full speed.


Let me say that I have been a pretty big BUS fan, and last year I praised his surprising performance, averaged 4.0 YPC when he started.But I�m not sure at this point if there is anything the BUS can do that Duce cannot.Duce is over 240 lbs, up from last year, and unlike the BUS, it is all muscle.He can move the pile with the best of them.I AM sure there are many things that Duce can do, that the BUS cannot.


I think the BUS should take a seat and let Staley split carries with Parker, if not take over the starting job.Between Parker and Staley, it�s a tough call.I would say it depends on the run defense we face, as certain defenses require a power runner and some do not.But I�m pretty sure Staley should be on the field in some way.


There is also the concern that you cannot get any �rhythm� when you platoon RBs like Cowher is doing.I tend to agree, but it also depends on the back.It seems the power backs need more carries to get going.It will be interesting to see what happens next year, as I still feel that if Parker put on about 10-15 lbs, he could be a promising feature back.



Wow, am I tired of hearing all about the Bengals and how a �new era� has begun, blahblah�.�� How Palmer is now �clearly� a better QB than Ben.These TV reporters are so fickle, it makes me sick.To be clear, Cinci did embarrass our defense, but many teams have been doing that the past 5-7 weeks.After all, we have zero pass rush, and our LBs are playing like bastard step-children of their former selves, especially Porter and Farrior.Foote has always been suspect and it catching up with us now.I like Haggans, and I think Harrison has had his moments, but we have no pure �Kearse/Taylor� like speed rusher and the blitzes are not working anymore.So my point is that the Bengals have a really good offense, but that�s about it.I sincerely hope that we draft a specialty LB in the 1st or 2nd round next year and actually get them playing time (see Jackson, Alonzo).


As for Big Ben, he defiantly has a broken thumb.There is little doubt.When they ask Ben or Cowher about if the thumb is broken and they say they will not talk about it; that means YES.He broke his thumb against Indy and has had an intermittent case of the wobbles ever since.I really think we should consider Batch this weekend if Ben struggles early.��� Just because Ben will not use the thumb as an excuse, I will.Ben even admitted that he could not throw the long ball (over 40 yards) to C. Wilson on one play last week.Who knows what would have happened the past 3 weeks had he been healthy.I agree with Mill that he gets the Hard Hat as 2 of his 3 picks against Cinci would probably have not happened otherwise.



Well we have about a 23.43% chance of getting in the playoffs, so lets strap in and watch the mediocrity!


Go Steelers!






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