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Stillers-Pats Post Game Thoughts

September 26, 2005 by Steel Cello

Stillers-Bills Post Game Thoughts

It was a close game, but you can make an argument that either team should have ran away with it.The Pats had 2 red zone turnovers that most of the time would have resulted in at least 10 points, and the Steelers had a bonehead play by Randel EL and a FG penalty what would have resulted in at least 6 points.The Pats definately looked like the better team in the 2nd half, throwing against us pretty steadily and having all day to throw the ball.


--- Ben went to sleep for most of the 2nd half, showing us glimpses of this past January with Bad mechanics, bad decisions or no decisions.I don�t think Ben is used to being pressured like that on a regular basis and he will need to make adjustments.Whipple really needs to hammer this guy on his technique under pressure and for all 60 minutes.It seems he threw much more flat-footed floaters as the game went on.��� This type of game proved that Ben is still learning and is not there yet.


--- I thought Willie ran pretty well against a stacked run defense that killed our OLine most of the day.His average was only 3.2 YPC, but he had some decent yards after contact and took what he could get.I don�t think Duce at his best would have done much better.I�m not a x�s and o�s expert, but it seems that they should try to run Wille left and right at least SOME of the time.I love the whole Cowher pound the ball thing, but this guys is a friggin burner, let�s see if he can turn the corner once in a while!!Maybe they tried it early and I missed it as I had to suffer through the end of the Jet-Jags game before they turned on the Stillers (I�m from NY).Again, not enough passing plays to Willie�This game was screaming for it and I think they threw to him twice.


--- Whether it was good D, lack of size in our WRs, pressure or indecision on Ben�s part, the passing game collapsed in the 2nd half.I wonder is this is the first game we needed Plax or another tall receiving threat�. Hey like Heath Miller, our number one draft pick!!!How about him?What do you think?He gets one grab, helping Ben beat a blitz and getting a few tough yards after contact to get a first down� What a play!How many times did they throw to him after that?None.�� The 2nd half was a tailor-made time to get this guy going and it didn�t happen.�� How can giving him a few more opportunities hurt?I realize that our 3rd and 4th WRs are really solid, but even the 4WR sets were not working that well.I hope Cowher gets this guy going before the season is over.


--- As Mill and others have pointed out, our inability to rush Brady without blitzing killed us in the 2nd half.There were a few nice sacks here and there from Kimo, Haggans, etc, but when crunch-time came, Brady played the blitzes to perfection most of the time and all the time on that final drive.�� This is a pretty big hole for us especially against teams that know how to play blitzes, like New England.


--- I did like Cowher�s move to try and exploit Chad Scott on 4th and 11, but that pass-interference call was iffy in my opinion.Still a nice move though.


--- Reed�s streak is snapped due to a stupid penalty� great streak though�


--- The secondary played ok as I thought most of the big plays were due to lack of pressure on Brady.Ricardo did miss a couple of tackles and Troy took a bad angle here and there, however they did not give up a huge play even when Brady all day and kept everything in front of them.Troy also didn�t get looked off as easily compared to last year.


--- Dillon got stuffed again and taunted the Stillers fans again after it was over.Nice job Mr. 2.7 yard per carry!At least Willie was able to muster over 3!



---Finally, lets hear from Cowher on why he did not call a timeout with 30 secs left in the game or whatever it was:


����������..Why didn�t you call a timeout before the winning field goal?

Just to get in their mind a little bit. Since I didn�t take a timeout, I thought, hopefully given how much time is left they�d have to rush into it. [Adam] Vinatieri, how many times has he been frozen? I was hoping that he would think that I was going to freeze him. I was just trying to play a little cat and mouse game��������..



Adam Vinatieri has hit 2 clutch FGs to win Super Bowls� do you think you�re going to psyche him out in Week 3 by not calling a timeout?30 seconds is plenty of time to give Reed a chance coming back especially with a good runback on KO, which we had a couple already.This was one of the worst moves I�ve ever seem him make, period.Also, what message are you sending your offense, intended or not, that you don�t give them another chance.Am I missing something here?Ugh, lets hope Cowher learns from this if we are able to make the playoffs and never tries this stupid move again.


Go Steelers!






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