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Stillers-Chefs Postgame Analysis and Grades

October 15, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers 45, Chiefs 7 Game #5��
Stillers 45, Chefs 7 ���. Oct. 15, 2006 ����Game #5��


Stillers-Chefs Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers took out their pent-up frustration by delivering a total beat-down to the hapless Chefs, 45-7.(Editor's note: due to some bizarre technical glitch by DirecTv, I didn't get the broadcast of the 3Q or the 1st half of the 4Q, so some mentionable plays may not be covered in this report.)




QB:Benji had, by far, his best game of the season, completing 16 of 19 for 238 yards.Most importantly, he finally threw a 2006 regular season TD pass (2 today, in fact) while throwing zero INTs.�� Ben may have been at his best on a critical 3d & 15 play in the 2Q, when he stepped up in the pocket and rifled a deep crosser to Ward that netted 28 yards.This play showed the complete Ben package that we've sorely been missing thus far -- good instincts, good reading, good initiative and aggressiveness, and good decisiveness.Ben also hit Nate and Ward with big TD passes.There was some spottiness, though.In the 1Q, Ben threw a deep ball to Nate, as a secondary receiver, that was lobbed too high and was a bit underthrown.There was also a late pass on an out to Holmes, after double-clutching, late in the 2Q.Walls busted this play up, and a better DB would have picked it off and taken it to the house.Ya can't throw late and hesitantly on the out in the NFL, as Chefs' backup QB Arthur Conan Croyle found out when Rian Wally picked him late in the game.�� At any rate, it was good to see this kind of crispness and effectiveness from Benji.�� Batch got work in garbage time and mostly just handed off the ball.�� A.


RB:Parker had a solid day, rushing for 109 yards on 21 carries and 2 TDs.Willie had a good power run for the 1st TD, and then spun out of LB Kawika Mitchell's tackle for the 2nd TD on an 11-yard run. Park also had a big 25-yard run in the 2Q, and might've gotten more had he not slipped on the shitty Heinz turf. Park also had a key 11-yard run that set up the PAP that led to Nate's long TD catch.�� Parker did cough it up twice in the 3Q (resulting in 1 turnover), although one was after a brutal hit.Davenport was splendid in relief, gaining 78 yards on just 12 carries and a short plunge for a TD.He ripped off a few large chunks of yardage, including a 48-yard jaunt.Haynes grabbed 2 passes and ran 5 plunges.�� A.


FB: Kreider helped spring many of the large holes that Dav and Parker cruised through.He got injured in the 2H, and if injured for any length of time, this would be a very costly injury.��� A.


WR:Hines led the way with 59 yards on 5 grabs, and a nice pluck of a catch for a big TD. Nate had 3 grabs, and bounced off Page after the catch for the big TD.Wash also had a good RAC on a 3d & 4 screen late in the 2Q that netted 7.Nate did mis-time his jump on the deep ball in the 1Q; had he drifted downfield another step and timed his jump better, he might have hauled in this pass.�� Holmes had a breakout day.He ignited the offense early on, snaring a short hitch and took off on a 50-yard play.Holmes also had a good block on Dav's 48-yard scamper.�� And, "San Antonio" also took a direct snap and scampered around end for a 13-yard gainer.�� Wilson finally broke out of his doldrums with a solid game, catching 3 balls for 42 yards.He made a terrific adjustment on a deep out that was thrown behind in the 1Q, which he caught for a 19-yard gain.Reid did not dress.�� A.


TE:Miller was ignored in the 1H, but caught 1 pass in the 3Q for 16 yards.Once that block was checked, he was ignored the rest of the game.The blocking was very good.�� A.


OL: After slathering around in a total funk against the Chargers, the O-line came out with a vengeance and simply mauled the Chef front-7. Gaping holes were opened with regularity.BenRoth was given good time and room to operate in the pocket.One play stood out that made me beam with pride and joy.Late in the 1Q, Parker ripped off an 11-yard run.On this play, Chris Kemo, starting in place of Simmons, easily blistered his man, while Max Starks not only got a block off the snap of the ball, but then got to the 2nd level and picked off a LB.Kemo also had a strong block on Parker's 7-yard run early in the 2Q.We all need to hope Kemo gets another start next week, as he acquitted himself superbly in his maiden NFL voyage.Smith had a nice down block on Parker's 2nd TD run.Faneca threw a good block on Daven's long run.Overall, this was a sight for sore eyes after last week's embarrassing debacle out in San Diego.�� A.


DL:The D-line was very active and stingy today.LJ never got untracked, and much of that was due to the tough labor by this D-line.Leading the way was Brett Keisel, who had a very strong game.The play late in the 1Q, where Keisel read the play and then tripped up LJ for a 1-yard gain, showed me that this man has fully assumed the starting job.He also had a good read and good hustle on a 2Q screen to LJthat was stopped for a 3-yard loss.Hampton and Smith were sound, and Kirschke and Hoke got a lot of PT in garbage time.�� A.


LB:The LB corps easily had its best game of the season.Farrior had a rare, but good, bust-up of a pass on a deep seamer to Gonzo in the 2Q.Haggans chipped in some.Arnie Harrison had a stellar string out of an off-tackle run by LJ, and then slammed LJ for a 1-yard loss.�� My gawd -- this is a play Big Joey Porter hasn't made all season!Not to be outdone, newly acquired Chad Brown bullrushed Jordan Black while fighting off a late chip block by the LG, Brian Waters, and then sacked the QB.Again -- this is a play Big Joey hasn't made all season!Rian Wallace jumped on a telegraphed out pass by Croyle and took the INT in for a TD.�� Hell, who needs Big Joey and his soon-to-be $5M per annum salary demands, when ya have Arnie, Wally, and Chad, not to mention Jamie Harrison�?��� Bye bye, Joey !!���� A.


DB:The secondary was far more active and competent than what we've seen in recent weeks.The biggest news was the return, per se, of Troy Pola.�� Troy was a 1-man wrecking crew today, making plays all over the field.On a critical 2Q 3d & 1, Troy knifed thru a tiny crease in the KC O-line and dropped LJ for a 2-yard loss.He had an INT in the 2H and a bust-up of sorts (appeared he whiffed on the ball but distracted the receiver) on the 4th & goal pass in the 4Q.�� Pola even survived being tackled by LJ grabbing his hair on his INT return.Town had a bust-up and a near INT on a key 3d & 6 in the 1Q.McFadden overcame 2 PI flags by smothering Gardner on a lob in the EZ that fell incomplete.He also made a nice catch on a deep ball for an INT.Ike chipped in with 5 solos, though I still think he's being ordered to play too soft.��� B+.


Spec teams:Some goodness, though some lousiness as well.�� Holmes had good 24 and 21-yard PRs.Clint had a good stick on KO coverage, and Logie had a good stop in punt coverage.�� Reed booted one FG.�� But then there was the dark side that so often pervades a Billy Cowher-coached ballclub.The 1H KO coverage mostly sucked ass, giving up returns of 31 and 30 yards.Ike Tay saved a TD on Webb's 30-yard KOR in the 2Q.Holmes muffed a punt early in the 2Q that Ike recovered, and another in the 3Q that McFadden recovered.Holmes should buy each man dinner all week for their saving recoveries.Reed missed a chippie 28-yard FG in the 3Q.�� Overall, this unit was the down note of this game.�� C.


OC:5 weeks into the season, and Cheezenhunt, duh-uh, finally gets Holmes involved in the offense !�� Hooray !Perhaps in another 5 weeks, Heath Miller will be integrated as well.Getting the ball to Holmes on the quick 1-step hitch, as well as the direct snap, should have happened 4 weeks ago.�� After all, that's presumably WHY the team drafted Holmes in round 1.The pump-fake, then draw-fake PAP was a nice, clever set-up on the long TD pass to Nate.Cheezen won't get to face defenses as soft as this one every week, but to his credit he aggressively took what he wanted.A.


DC:Dick was able to bottle up LJ and keep Gonzo (3 grabs, 15 yards) in check.�� Of course, keeping things in perspective, it's rather easy to defend an over-rated, shabby backup QB like Damon Huard, as well as playing defense with the 4-TD lead.��� B+.


HC:Backed against the wall, Cowhard had the team meet on Monday after their long flight from CA and he apparently ripped some ass in the process.The team came out fired up and never relented until the game was well in hand in the 4Q.�� The key now is to avoid a letdown against the Falcons.��� A.


Synopsis:A superb, all around assbeating of the KC Chefs.�� With the Ratbirds and Bungals both losing, the Stillers are right back in the AFC North hunt.The win is all the more better, as I have to attend an out of town business meeting this week along with a guy that is a big Chefs fan.We made a bet last week�...the guy whose team loses, has to wear the ballcap of the winning team during this week's meetings.I've gotten out the most hideous, garish Steelers cap I own�.and my buddy will be wearing it this week!�� LMAO !!�� And I'll be sure to rub salt into the wound by restating the 45-7 final score, over and over again !!Enjoy the win�..and then gear up for a big game against the 1-dimensional Atlanta DirtyBirds.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)



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