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Stillers-Falcons Postgame Analysis and Grades

October 22, 2006 by Still Mill

Falcons 41, Stillers 38 ���
Falcons 41, Stillers 38(OT) ���. Oct. 22, 2006 ����Game #6���


Stillers-Falcons Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers frittered away yet another entirely winnable game, bowing out to the Falcs in OT, 41-38.Boneheaded gaffes, sloppy play, and foolhardy mistakes outweighed some otherwise solid playmaking.


The key turn in this game occurred midway thru the 2Q.After the Stillers forced a 3-and-out, this game was as close to being over as a game can be, with the Stillers up 17-7 in the 2Q and in total control and domination of the flagging Dirty Birds.But BenRoth fumbled the 1D snap, giving Atlanta the ball on the Stiller 25.Six plays later, Atlanta made it 17-14, and then quickly followed up with a successful onsides KO.Seven plays later, Atlanta scored to take the lead, and in a less than 3 minutes the Stillers had handed over a commanding lead to a running team that was hopelessly flailing and an inch away from the grave.




QB:Benji had a decent afternoon until getting a concussion in the 3Q.He completed 16 of 22 for 238 yards and 3 TDs, which is sterling indeed.He was particularly sharp on the 2nd O-drive, with completions of 16, 16, and 11 (the last being a TD to Ward).He was even better on the next drive, going 5-5 and hitting Miller with the TD.But there was a bizarre, off-kilter screen pass in the 1st series that could have, and should have, been picked off.And then there was the ghastly fumbled snap, the 2nd of the then-briefly played game, that turned the blowout into the OT nailbiter.This is inexcusable slop and stupidity and ruins what was otherwise a good day.�� Batch came on in relief and played decently, completing 8 of 13 for 195 yards and 2 TDs.He overthrew an open Miller deep down the seam in the 4Q, but otherwise was sharp for a rusty backup and made some clutch throws on both TD passes to Ward.���� Ben: B.�� Batch: A.��


RB:Parker had a somewhat tough afternoon, never really getting untracked against an aggressive, hustling Falcon defense.He gained 47 yards on 20 carries, which is entirely inadequate, although the preponderance of blame must be placed on the O-line.Parker, who should have been as dangerous on that indoor field turf as a can of gasoline next to a barbeque grill, caught zero passes.Lest I forget, Parker had the asinine 3Q fumble, allowing a man right in front of him to poke the ball away as Parker was spinning to cut to the other side of the field.Very, very stupid.Haynsie had a nice run late in the 1H for 11 yards and caught 1 pass for 2 yards.Davenport was only allowed to carry once, and was engulfed for a 1-yard loss.��� B-.


FB: I don't think this was one of Kreider's better games. He showed some lingering effects from the ankle injury and wasn't as punishing.�� B-.


WR:Some good, some bad.Ward had a career day, enjoying his 1st ever 3-TD game.The 2nd TD was one for the ages, with Ward snaring a deep seam, and then, as he was bursting away on his RAC, flicking off a half-on/half-off shoe and running with just 1 shoe on the rest of the way, and then juking a Falc DB and vaulting to the pylon for a spectacular 70-yard TD.But like all of his teammates, Ward had his share of poor focus and dumb boners, too.He fumbled the ball after a catch in the 2Q, but Miller saved his bacon by recovering.He dropped a perfectly thrown curl pass on the play Benji got injured.He also committed a false start in the 2Q.


���������� Wilson showed he plays much, much better on a better turf, although he tweaked a groin that had to be wrapped.He finished with 3 grabs for 54 yards.


Other than the last minute of each half, Nate had a fine game.He went up and got a deep ball in the 4Q, good for 49 yards, and had 3 grabs for 76 yards and one TD.But, like his ill-focused teammates, Nathan got stupid when the going got tough.After his TD catch, the dumbass fairly intentionally bumped into a Falcon, which was THE reason for the 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct flag.The, with Batch spiking the ball with about 10 secs in regulation, dumbass Nate committed a false start as he was confused whether he need to be on the LOS or off the LOS.Had he simply stayed lined up off the LOS, probably no ref would have noticed anyway, with the play being a spike.This boner caused the clock to run out in regulation, which prevented Reed from trying a very make-able (given the dry, non-windy indoor conditions) 50-yard FG.��


Holmes had his best pro game to date, snaring 5 passes for 91 yards, including a fine catch on a deep out., as well as some decent RAC work.���


Morey slightly bobbled but snagged the one pass thrown to him.In all, this should have been a banner day for the WR corps, but dumbassed boners reduce the grade accordingly.�� Reid did not dress.�� B-.


TE:Miller set the stat sheet on fire, nabbing 2 passes for 4 yards.He did have a clutch TD catch, and on a 3d & 3 in the 2H, had a good twist & lunge for the necessary yardage.He also hustled to recover Ward's fumble.To his discredit, he too, had a boner, allowing a 1Q curl pass to go right thru his hands.Tuman caught a valve dump and had big RAC for a 21-yard gain.The run blocking was mediocre.�� B.


OL: After shoving the Chefs around like empty trash cans, the line returned to its typical 2006 form, getting a lot of whippage and beating from a very average front 7 that was missing its best D-lineman, J. Abraham.Fighting each other for the stench-bomb of the week award were Jeff Hartings and KenDoll Simmons.Hartings has played so poorly this season that it is absolutely imperative that he retire after the season, if not sooner.He whiffed in feeble fashion on the 3rd & goal QB draw play, which got Ben engulfed and stuffed.Simmons personally helped created Parker's fumble, standing still while Babineaux, lined up directly in front of him, rushed in, totally untouched.Chris Kemo was inserted in the 2H for a brief stint.


The pass pro was decent, although there was blitz pressure that was created by O-line confusion and slow-footedness.The overall run blocking blew chunks.��� C.


DL:The D-line played solidly for 3 quarters, and then got flaccid in the 4Q and especially in OT.Keisel had a very active game, although he, too, committed a dumbassed gaffe, getting flagged for a personal foul-facemask in the 4Q.Smith was also pretty active, especially from backside pursuit.Hampton was a bit quiet, although the line limited Dunn & Norwood until late, and then Hampton pulled a ham in the 4Q and sat thereafter.Hoke and Kirschke saw a lot of work as subs.��� B-.


LB:Farrior led the way with 8 solos and an INT off a pass that Dunn couldn't grab onto.He also had a good slash and grab of Dunn on a 3rd & 3 on the 1st drive of the 2H, resulting in a 1-yard loss.On the other hand, the "Winged God of LB coverage" rarely ever provided any coverage on the big TE, Alge Crumpler, who had a career day.Foote was too quiet for an ILB, and was a step slow on the 3rd & goal TD pass to Crumpler in the 2Q.


���������� Haggans had an ok game, stuffing Dunn for a 2-yard loss on 2d & goal from the 2 in the 2Q.But he was badly tooled by Crumpler on a 23-yard completion in the 3Q, and then made a dumbassed boner when he got sucked inside, and then lamely stumbled to the ground while Norwood cutback to his right and rambled 36 yards in the 4Q.


���������� Arnie Harrison started in place of the injured Porter and Jamie Harrison.He played solidly, making 5 solos, including a good stuff of Dunn off of a direct snap from center in the 2Q.He harassed Vick into a TA late in the 4Q.But, just like every other teammate, he committed the dumbassed boner that helped steal defeat from victory.Two plays later, he was fooled on the fake handoff, and allowed Vick to easily scoot around end for 14 yards.In OT, he allowed Vick a few extra yards on a scramble/keeper in which Arnie was hopelessly flailing at a complete disadvantage.��


���������� Chad Brown was enormously quiet.The only noise he made all day was on a dumbassed boner, where he shouldered into Vick well after Vick released a pass, which earned Chadly a roughing-the-passer penalty.


���������� Overall, too many gaffes and too much feebleness in the 4Q and OT.��� C+.��


DB:A rocky game against a team that previously had a feeble, toothless passing attack.


Troy Pola had a tremendous game�.making plays all over the field�..coming up with a superb INT�.jamming up the run like a 5th LB��and then pissed it all away with a dumbassed boner in OT.On a 3rd & 9 from the Atlanta 45, Pola blitzed from the Stiller right side, with McFadden also blitzing to the inside of Pola.So, with a fellow blitzer to his inside, facing a dangerous scrambler that happens to be LEFT handed and enjoys rolling to his left, where does Pola aim for ?�� To the INSIDE, like a complete fucking dumbass !!��� Vick easily eluded Pola while Pola weakly pawed at Vick's right shoulder pad, and Vick scrambled left and lofted an easy dumper to a wide open Crumpler for 26 yardsand essentially the game.For the life of me, I cannot fathom how a veteran star could make such a dumbshit, dumbassed boner like this one.


Pola wasn't all alone in the boner department, of course.McFadden was soft on the 1st Crumpler TD, and Clark failed to deliver any sort of hit on Crumpler despite fully being in the vicinity to do so.McFadd was also just shameful on the 28-yard play by Lelie in the 3Q.Not only was he horrifically soft -- allowing a huge, marshmallow cushion -- but then, with Vick stopping and throwing back to his left, McFadd reacted with all the speed of a glacier.When Lelie aught and turned, McFadd was hopelessly left in no-man's land and gave up a huge RAC.

Clark committed an illegal contact flag and was never able to contain Crumpler.


���������� Townsend was beaten on the 3d & 7 deeb lob in the EZ for a TD, and then had the stupid gaul to get up and pompously signal "incomplete".The stupid moron actually though he'd broken the play up; not only did he give up the TD catch, but he was also flagged for PI !!


���������� Ike was beaten on Crump's 3rd TD late in the 3Q.


���������� Overall, to get shredded by a scattershot passer like Vick, with a complete joke of a WR corps, is an outright disgrace.�� D.


Spec teams:A total abomination by Cowhard's special teams.They sucked ass from beginning to end.On the opening KO, the coverage was entirely shoddy, and Ike basically saved a TD.Soon thereafter, Holmes fielded a punt, and promptly had it poked away for a huge turnover.On the ensuing KO, you'd have thought that Holmes would be angry and determined.That he was, so much so that, with an ACRE of open room, he allowed himself to be tripped up by a fingernail rub by the kicker, Koenen, and what SHOULD have been an EASY TD ended up being a decent KOR.The Stillers ended up getting only 3 points out of this, when clearly, this absolutely should have been SEVEN, EASY.�� On the ensuing Reed KO, Nate Wash literally DOGGED it on this play, giving up and just coming to a complete stop and watching,Logan whiffed on a tackle, and Rossum had a nice 45-yard KOR to pad his stats with.On the next KO, the Falcons were stopped�.for "only" a 32-yard gain.


Holmes fielded a punt literally 2 inches from the sideline chalk, on his own 12, late in the 1Q.With all the problems of catching punts and fumbling punts, why even attempt to field a punt while standing 2 centimeters from the sideline, with no hope of any return and with a fairly good assurance that the ball is gonna land OOB anyway?

���������� Carter got slammed in mid-air as he tried to catch the onsides KO, and he was unable to hold onto the pig.Hard to fault him on this; the bigger fault is that the entire KO return team got caught flat-footed and off-guard.


���������� Wallace, Morey, and Arnie had ok stops in coverage in the 2H.��� Pola was flagged on abullshit running-into-the-kicker call late in regulation.This one was nowhere close to DeWayne Wash's infamous penalty on Joe Nedney in the Jan. 2003 playoffs.


���������� Gardocki punted weakly, including a dogshit 33-yard boot in the 4Q.Reed barely eked through his shorty 28-yd. FG attempt, although his KOs were solid.Of course, we have no clue why the Stillers insisted up kicking deep, and to the middle, to Rossum all day long.�� Reed saved a TD with a trip and was flagged 15 yards.��� F.


OC:Cheezenhunt had a decent day today.I wasn't wild about the gay-assed QB draw on 3rd & goal from the 5, nor did I like the 4Q screen to Haynes on 3d & 7 that gained a whopping 2 yards.Still, there offense clicked to the tune of 38 points, and the RZ production was good.��� B+.


DC:Hey Dick -- that big guy on the other team, #83 -- why the fuck don't you assign someone�.anyone�.to cover him ??My gawd, only Dick and Company could face one of the most feeble passing attacks in the league and get carved up like a Halloween pumpkin.Vick hasn't throw a TD pass since week 2 -- back on Sep. 17th -- and Micheal Lick had never thrown more than 2 TDs in an NFL game, and Dick helps him complete 4 TD passes!!And then there's giving up a deep lob in the EZ for a 17-yard TD completion on 3rd & 7� in the hell does that happen ?It's quite obvious that Dick's schemes have gotten entirely stale and predictable.���� D.


HC:It all starts at the top, and at the top sits Lord Billy Cowher.The overt lack of focus, the inattention to detail, the careless slop and outrageously foolish mistakes, all are by-products of a disinterested head coach that is in total dereliction of his duties to instill discipline, ensure focus and crisp execution, and fix schematic flaws on the spot.When you have a talented, veteran-laden team commit dumbassed boner after dumbassed boner after dumbassed boner, it's not an issue with talent or inexperience.It's an issue with setting high standards and enforcing them.When a team loses to a clearly inferior opponent, it's not about talent, it's about coaching and ensuring good execution.When a team commits a plethora of undisciplined mistakes and penalties, it is a distinct reflection on the coaching and leadership, or lack thereof.How many penalties after a Stiller TD have to occur before Cowhard takes some action and rectified this outrageous stupidity ?�� 5 ?�� 8 ?�� 12 ?�� When a team continually gets outplayed in the 4Q, it's a matter of conditioning and desire, both of which are in obvious shortages.Lastly, there was the completely asinine, useless challenge of Dunn's TD plunge in the 3Q.�� My gawd, everyone in the free world saw that is was a TD, yet dumbass Cowher challenges it and gives away a TO.�� That TO might have been rather handy in setting up for a Reed FG late in regulation.In sum, it becomes more evident with each passing day -- the Stillers won Sup Bowl 40 in spite of, not because of, Billy Cowher.���� F.


Synopsis:This one was every bit as annoying and irritating as the last tilt with Atlanta, which resulted in the NFL's last tie game.This game was there for the taking, and dumbassed boners stole defeat from victory.The team should be embarrassed to have a 2-4 record equal to that of the lowly Houston Texans.Doing the "same ol', same ol'" ain't getting the job done.Some somewhat drastic measures must be taken.After all, what has this sagging, sorry, 2-4 team have to lose ?�� Tony Smith must be inserted at FS for some urgently needed speed and athleticism.Reid needs to be inserted as the primary kick returner once healthy.Joey Porter needs to platoon with Jamie Harrison.�� Davenport needs to get more than a few token carries.Holmes needs to be elevated in the passing game.Bullshit vanilla on defense needs to be scrapped in lieu of some daring aggression.��� The situation is bleak -- very bleak -- and bleak times call for some strong measures.Let's see if the disinterested Cowher is man enough to do so, or if he's merely going to ride this gravy train to his retirement home in Carolina.



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)



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