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Stillers-Dolphins: The Journey to Mecca

September 09, 2006 by Swissvale72




Flew  in from Miami Beach, BOAC�..oh sorry, wrong song, wrong era�.Flew in from Boston, had a 6:15am flight, up at 2:30�Opener tonight!!  Does it get any better???  One wouldn�t think so, but somethin� tells me that Nov. 5 against the Broncs will even exceed last night�write it down�just a feeling!!


Going to the game with my 25-year-old niece, and her boyfriend, James.  Gina�s the Assistant Vice-President of some Mafia-owned bank in New Jersey.  James mows lawns�.Just busin� ya, James�.he�s a landscape architect�which means�..I don�t what the fuck he does!!


Have to wake their asses up at noon!!  They must think they�re still back at Penn State!!  We park in town�.for $14 only�our asses are in HiTops by 2:30.  I order a Yuengling�Gina orders a Bud Light�.ID please?  Well�seems that Gina forgot her wallet in New Jersey.  Manager comes over.  Gina produces a work picture ID, as well as a business card.   Some posters will appreciate this�.How can Gina �work in a bank� and not be 21�.LOL!!  Gina reminds the manager that she in fact, danced on the bar in HiTops�when she was underage.  Manager�s not impressed.  Gina says she�ll have a water.  Manager tells her that she can�t even stay in the place.  We�re unceremoniously evicted from HiTops.


We go next door to FireWater.  We get a great table looking out onto the street.  I go to the bar, grab a beer for me, and for Gina.  Feel like I�m providing alcohol to a minor�.only in this case the minor�s 25!! 


Five beers later, we leave FireWater, and start the search for ChiTraderRob�s tailgate.   Assured that the banner will be flying high, we anticipate this to be an easy venture.  Well, after 2 calls to Rob�..and nary a sighting of the banner, or the keeper of the banner, one StillDiesel, we finally find the tailgate. 


Checking in at the tailgate from this site were several posters. StillThere, who�s as cool in person as he is on the board, showed up. MDisSteelerCountry, who was the lone attendee, along with myself at the �mandatory meeting� at Vinnie�s on FryDay as there.   There was quite the Connecticut contingent.  Still Hard was there, along with his incorrigible son, Todd.  Todd�s has kind of long, wavy hair, black glasses�..shit-eatin� grin on his face.  You look at Todd, you immediately think �wiseass.�  Look, I�m sure his father loves him; I�m also sure that Todd has been a total pain in the ass to raise.   Ron Carrano was there from the Nutmeg State, along with some woman, Griselle, that Ron had obviously paid to accompany him on this trip, and say that she�s his wife.  Consider the evidence:


Griselle is way pretty.      Ron�..uh� not.        


Griselle sure seems to have the perfect body.

Ron�uh�.does not.


Griselle is pleasant, exceedingly nice.

Ron�same personality in person, as on the board (damn if Ron wasn�t talking pre-game about taking away FWP�s long runs!!!!!!)











Well, it�s


Griselle                      Griselle                      Griselle

-                     -                     -

-                     -                     -

-                     -                     -

-                     -                     -

-                     -                     -

-                     -                     -

Ron                Ron                Ron


You had to pay her, Ron!!  Makes no sense otherwise�.C�mon, Man up�.tell the truth!!


Insanity prevailed inside Heinz�..I was two rows from the top, section 534�.only negative was being tucked so damn far underneath the roof that I couldn�t see all the fireworks.  Just as soon the roof fell off. 


Very cool when SB XL Banner was out, team came out en masse.  Been saying for much of the off-season that FWP is a tough little fuck�.much moreso than given credit for.  He�s running inside, he�s more patient, he�s running with an attitude.  Everything else, gamewise has been said.  Hines�knew he�s play.  Cholly Batch�..our Homestead boy came through, big fuckin� time.  JPeezy�said it after the AFCCG�.he can only beat the blocker that�s assigned to him.  He does that; he does his job!!  Some may consider this blasphemous�..but he reminds me of Jack Ham with the precision in which he plays pass defense, and plays the run.  He doesn�t make many mistakes. 


Listening to Mark Madden today�..sometimes he�s  okay.   Caller was complaining about national media people, other fans not liking Peezy.  Madden said, �Look, if Porter played for the Bengals, was this good, and said the things he says, we�d want to shoot him in the ass again.�  Fair assessment.


Anyway�..incredible time on the North Side!!  We�re 1-0, Jax to come.   Mark my words�.November 5th, Steelers-Denver�will be better!!


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