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October 01, 2007 by Swissvale72



circa 9/30/07

By Swissvale72



Last week, I cited the resemblance between Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, and my DC Tourguide, Abdul.Maybe Coach T. should�ve been driving the tour bus yesterday.


�That buildin� on the right contains the desert, folks�hot as hell in that room.On the left, on the sidewalk, is a Hopi Indian chief.That buildin� right in front of you, University of Phoenix Stadium�well inside, the Arizona Cardinals are kickin� the ass of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the team I�m �sposed to be coachin� today.�


Having reviewed this morning�s PG, the posts by our esteemed readership on the message board, and the game�s play-by-play, I offer thus�


Myth #1:Tomlin�s supposed to be on top of his game, right out the gate�.

I�ll still take Tomlin over Whiz, but should we shocked if Whiz can coach a better game, right now?The Tomlin hire, IMO, was a stretch of sorts, but one done, in typical Steeler fashion, with a long view.It wouldn�t surprise me at all if the Rooneys believed that Whiz would have been the better coach for this season, but Tomlin the Man for years to come.Face it, Tomlin didn�t have the resume, only a single season as a coordinator.But the Rooneys saw greatness in the room, and weren�t about to let it get away from them.He�s learning; he�ll get better�and�.unlike his predecessor, can admit his mistakes.


Myth #2:Faneca laid down�

Pure speculation.It�s long been held on this board that Faneca leaves much to be desire in Pass Pro.Faneca is getting older.Had Faneca not been

  1. A whiny bitch
  2. Going up against his homosexual lover, Fat Fuck Russ Grimm (note�.Grimm�s a Fat Fuck, but has not achieved The Fat Fuck status�.look for an upcoming issue for more on that�.sure Hi5 can�t wait, he�ll be pre-ordering)

�.nobody would be speculating that he intentionally lied down; we�d just think he sucked.


I�m not saying it can�t happen.Remember, I�m from Swissvale, perhaps best known as the birthplace of the BC point-shaving brain trust of the early �80s, but I have trouble with pure speculative bullshit�..bringing me, too�.


Myth #3:Ben�s EZ pick was a result of his trying to stick it to Whiz�

Huh?What�s the logic in that.�I�m gonna show Whiz..I�m gonna drill this fucker in there.�C�mon�why not just believe what Ben�s telling us�.he didn�t see the DB�.shit happens all the time.He fucked up, he knew it, he admitted it�..was eerily reminiscent though, of Ben�s E-Z pick against Cinci last year, one of two or three plays that ruined the season.


On a related note, spare me the bullshit about Ben needing to be a Man, talk to Whiz.Fuck that!!I�m not saying he shouldn�t�.but it�s completely fuckin� irrelevant�a false issue.I do agree with Mill, that there was too damn much cumbaya bullshit going on pre-game.I have no problem, at all, with Ben not participating in the pregame fuckfest, and I could give a shit whether he shook Whiz�s hand post-game either.Used to be a non-fraternizing rule in pro sports�.now they all get together, compare contracts & endorsement deals pre-game, shit like that.


And let�s not forget, this is the team whose previous coach was last seen yukkin� it up on the sideline with Dog�s Best Friend, Michael Vick, last year, in a huge spot, and remains immensely fond of fondling Ray Lewis.Modeling�.Tomlin will need to expunge that shit.


Myth #4:Steelers gameplan was run-run-pass from the second quarter on�

Well, not exactly a myth, but let�s not overstate the case.

�Directly preceding the 1Q TD, Steelers ran twice consecutively for a 1st down.

�There were two instances in 2Q where run, run, pass resulted in a punt

�3Q, R-R-P resulted in a first down on our first possession.It was followed by pass-run-pass, punt. The next possession, two passes followed by a run netted a first down.We then went run-run-pass-punt.Next possession, we did the same thing.

�In sum, there were four possessions where our eventual punt was preceded by runs on first and second down.

We had eleven possessions, so this pattern shouldn�t be minimized, but it shouldn�t be overstated either.


Silver Lining:

Nothing ever good about a loss, but if one sets aside momentarily the quest for a 1st round bye in the playoffs, and instead concentrates on simply winning the Division, one could argue that the Steelers finished the day better than the started as Baltimore lost the division game to Cleveland.Cleveland, by the way, moved the ball nicely on the Ravens, having some success with an old Steeler staple, bringing a receiver in motion, and having him lead the run inside.


The Ominous Cloud:

Yesterday�s loss isn�t the end of the world, but leaves me with a ton of doubt.How good is this team, really?Is this squad a house of cards, having built a 3-0 record against weaklings, only to struggle mightily when the schedule grows more difficult?Seattle kicked the 9ers asses yesterday�.I�m waaaaay worried about this Sunday.Will be a loooooooooooooong 2 weeks if we lose, at home, before the Bye, with another road test against Denver following.


And remember�.no road game in the NFL is a gimme�.no further proof needed.



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