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Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades

November 12, 2007 by Still Mill

Stillers 31, Clev 28 Game #9 ���
Stillers 31, Clev 28�. Nov. 11, 2007 ����Game #9


Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades


Coming off the huge MNF thrashing of the Ravens, the Stillers hosted divisional rival Cleveland in what shaped up as a battle for first place in the AFC North.�� This had big game written all over it, but someone forget to mention this tidbit to the Stillers, who showed up soft, slovenly, and careless.Cleveland manhandled this team early on, but the Stillers fought back to take the lead, only to give it up some 15 seconds later on a 100-yard KO return by a surrounded Josh Cribbs.Benji led the offense to a clutch TD late in the game, and Phil Dawson�s 52-yard FG with just seconds remaining fell 1 yard short.�� Despite the horrific egg lay, the Stillers avoided disaster and won, 31-28.��




QB:Ben, as often is his nature, started the game slowly, sputtering and misfiring worse than your average 10-year old Ford.�� He had 2 overly poor misfired deep in Clev territory in the 1Q, first throwing way too high and hard to an open Davis at the 6-yard line, and then on the following play, failing to lead Hines into the corner of the EZ, which allowed the DB (Eric Wright) to reach up and bat away the poorly-thrown pass.The INT on the crosser to Holmes in the 2Q was more of Holmes�s fault for slowing up on the pattern, but the bigger mistake on this play is that Ben, off a designed play-action fake, had Ward WIDE open on the deep flag, and refused to throw it.He also had a piss-poor, low pass to a wide-open Holmes on a curl late the 2Q.All of this helped force 3 shameful FG attempts at the end of promising drives, resulting in a meager 9 points against the NFL�s worst defense.


Ben started the 3Q about as poorly as the 1Q. On the opening drive, he threw a lollipop of a downfield pass to Holmes that was woefully underthrown (and busted up), even though the pass only traveled about 30 yards.Soon later, he pump faked (twice, no les) and had Holmes WIDE open on a go route, but inexplicably HELD onto the ball, despite time and room, and soon had to scramble from pressure.�� What should have been a rainbow deep ball to Holmes turned into near-disaster when Ben, as careless as a wino stumbling down Grant St., had the ball poked away, and luckily Miller recovered, although 13 yards were lost on this play.�� Then there was a shitty, rifled flare to Parker, who had to twist and contort his body just to catch the ball, and stumbled to the ground in the process.��


To his credit, Benji shook off all of this with a splendid 4th quarter.On 3rd and 10, after finding no one open, he took off up the middle and never stopped until he bowled into the EZ for a huge 30-yard TD.He had a mega-clutch, difficult completion while moving to his left on a 3rd & 5 to Holmes that got a key 1D.�� On a 3rd & 9 on the late TD drive, Benji had yet another key scramble, dashing for 10 yards to the Clev. 2 for the 1D. The late TD pass to Miller, while under pressure from McGinest, was a rifled pass that threaded the needle.�� The lone boner in the 4Q was the foolish sack by Eric Wright taken by Ben that lost 11 yards.This was a play where a throw-away was enormously possible.��


Benji deserve credit for hanging in there and leading the team to a come-from behind victory.My biggest gripe, after watching the tape of the game, was that, coming off a 5-TD performance and facing THE worst defense in the NFL, is to wonder exactly how, and WHY, Benji could be so overly gun-shy and meek.The play-action flag to Ward was wide OPEN in the 2Q, yet Benji, as timid as a wallflower, refused to pull the trigger and instead settled for a short crosser that got picked off.The pass to Ward in the EZ was a timid pass that should have led Ward into the corner, where Hines could have hauled in the easy TD.�� The ONE and only downfield pass all game, to Holmes in the 3Q, was horribly lollipopped and underthrown.The 3Q play in which Benji pumped twice and then was stripped, had Holmes WIDE open on the stop & go route.There also was a sack on 2d & 9 late in the 3Q, where Ben and the time and room to fling the ball downfield.


That wasn�t Ronnie Lott, Rod Woodson, Lester Hayes, and Mike Haynes back there in the Cleveland secondary.Receivers were OPEN downfield, and a QB need not wait until the receiver has run 38 yards downfield before releasing the pass.�� I also noticed Ben hobbling some in the 4Q, showing some after-effects of the hip pointer he suffered Mon. nite when he was needlessly getting hit in the 2H with a 28-point lead.To all the idiots that were so proud and happy to keep Benji in that game to suffer needless punishment, you got what you wished for today.���� B.


RB:Parker got one of the quietest 100-yard games in recent memory, gaining 105 yards on 25 carries.He busted a 31-yarder in the 1Q, but otherwise was limited to a whole lot of small potato runs.To be fair, the Heinz Cow Pasture was in its usual piece-of-shit condition, forcing Parker to slip on cuts so often you�d almost swear he was wearing Armani dress shoes.�� Willie did turn the corner very nicely a few times, turning what would have been nothing into decent gainers.��Davenport had a good run on 2nd and 3 late in the 2Q, turning the corner and gaining 7, but his other 3 carries netted a total of zero yards. He also grabbed 1 pass for 10 yards.�� Parker need not apply for any off season TV commercials or TV shows, as he turned in one of the absolute worst acting performances of all time on the HB option pass in the 4Q.He pulled up with the football about 2 milliseconds after receiving the pitchout, which blew the cover on the play and fooled nobody.�� Overall, if I�m Willie Parker and I�ve �trained all offseason�, as the announcers stated, �to be the best back in the NFL�, I personally go to that idiot Rooney in the offseason and demand either FIELD TURF, or a trade, as he�ll never be considered an elite back while slipping and sliding around the Cow Pasture at Heinz Field.��B.


FB: Davis got the starting nod; Kreider did not dress.Davis� blocking was under whelming, though he did chip in a good, heady DF block in the key Miller catch & run in the 4Q.B-.


WR:Hines led the way with several clutch grabs in the 2H.He began the game with a superb grab on a deep out, but actually had 2 drops in the 1H.One was on a deep seamer in which he was hit, but the pass was eminently catchable.The other was a short lob in the EZ, in which Ward was overly nonchalant and tried to 1-hand the ball, and it clanged away.In the 2H, 19 became Ward�s lucky number, as he had 2 huge catches that netted 19 yards.He had a brilliant pluck on a slant for the 1st one, and then had a terrific catch in traffic right after Harrison�s FF.Ward also had a key DF block on Miller�s catch & run in the 4Q, as well as on Ben�s long TD run.Ward was flagged for holding at the end of Parker�s 11-yard run in the 2Q, although I thought this was a horseshit call, as Ward had the positioning and did not appear to grab or latch.�� The real downer was Ward slowing himself down as he approached the GL on his TD; in essence taunting the Browns as he eased off (a common theme in today�s game) as he neared the end zone.Not only was this stupid, classless, and moronic, but he also took a kick to the foot from the Clev. DB.It�s a long season, and this team can ill afford to lose players to injury while doing bullshit, grab-ass stunts and taunting.This is the Pittsburgh Steelers, not the Dallas Cryboys.


Holmes looked to keep it going after the 2 TDs on Mon. nite, but instead had a lukewarm game.He peeked over at the coverage, and then SLOWED himself, on the crosser that was picked off in the 2Q.This was marginally acceptable for a greenhorned rookie making his 3rd career start, but entirely unacceptable for a guy with as much NFL experience as he now has.Tonio also dropped a crosser in the 4Q.He finished with 4 grabs for a lowly 53 yards.


Nate dropped a slant in the 2Q after a big hit, but shook it off and chipped in with 4 grabs for 56 yards. Wilson was once again held off the scoresheet, which is a bit dismaying, especially when facing the worst pass defense in the NFL.�� ����B.


TE:Miller and Speath took turns, making some decent plays, only to be undone with shitty ones.Speath had a nice block on Parker�s 31-yard gallop, only to get crumpled on the 3d & 2 plunge by Davenport that got stuffed.Miller whiffed in pathetic fashion on a block on a bubble screen, and then added insult to injury by pushing the DB in the back, collecting an illegal blocking flag in the process.Miller dropped a dumpoff along the sideline in the 3Q, although, on 3d & 23, it was inconsequential.Speath had a horrible drop on a crosser in the 4Q; luckily Ben erased that memory by running 30 yards on the next play for a TD.On 3d & 18 in the 4Q, Miller had a clutch catch & run after a short dumpoff, gaining 20 yards and a huge 1D. He finished that drive with a superb, difficult TD catch, snaring a rifled pass and using the meaty part of his forearm to latch onto the ball and shield it from hitting the ground and juggling away.Miller also had a key, heady fumble recovery after the Ben strip & fumble in the 3Q, which averted a major disaster.���B.


OL: Had we played the �85 Bears, I could have lived with today�s effort and performance of this O-line.�� However, we were playing the NFL�s worst defense, and this line had its ass handed back to them on far too many plays today.The Clev front 7 was able to control the LOS for a good portion of the game.A prime example was the 3rd & 2 plunge (really, 3rd & a long 1-yard) that was entirely stuffed by the Clev defense.KenDoll Simmons was as weak as toilet paper on this play.Colon had troubles with Antwaan Peek for a good part of the game.The Peek sack late in the 2Q wasn�t a case of Colon getting abused; he held off Peek�s initial rush, but failed to seal off the �corner�.Colon was, however, entirely weak on the 3Q sack, failing to recognize the stunting rusher and then being too slow to pick the man off.Simmons did a nice job to pick off McGinest at the last second on Ben�s key 3D scramble early in the 4Q.Mahan was blown back 3 yards off the ball on the late 3D QB draw, which caused the entire play to get bottled.Faneca did little that was overly remarkable for a guy seeking a $10M annual salary, and he was flagged for a jack-assed false start in the 4Q.Simmons was flagged for being an ineligible man DF in the 3Q. Overall, this collective O-line should be embarrassed for the asswhipping they took from a very marginal front 7. ��C-.


DL:Like the O-line and the rest of the team, the D-line slumbered and stumbled throughout most of the 1H, getting pushed off the ball with the greatest of ease and generating zero pocket push or disruption.Fat Casey Hampton was doing absolutely NOTHING in the 1H; he wasn�t taking up space nor shielding ILBs from blockers.�� Aaron Smith returned to the lineup and had a nice stuff of Lewis in the 2Q.�� They picked it up some in the 2H, with Keisel getting a key bat on 3d & 9 early in the 3Q.The Diesel then blew up a running play that Aaron Smith cleaned up.Again, though, the Clev offensive line is far from a juggernaut, and this D-line was entirely too lukewarm.�� B-


LB:Overall, a wretched performance by the position expected to make plays.��


Larry Foote won�t want his agent to show this game tape to any future bidders, as he was an abominable slouch.He was constantly getting mauled backwards by blockers and trucked by ballcarriers.On Lewis�s 11-yard run in the 1Q, Foote got slapped backwards 8-yards off the LOS by center Hank Fraley, and then got trucked badly by Lewis near the end of the run.Foote was also trucked at the end of a 6-yard run by Lew in the 2Q.Even on the play in which Lewis fumbled the ball away in the 3Q, it was Larry Foote getting, once again, trucked by Lewis on a healthy 4-yard gain.��


James Farrior wasn�t immune to a poor day, and in fact this game confirmed to me that this guy is very clearly on the downward arc of his career.�� Farrior gave Clev a huge boost on the opening Browns� drive.On a 3rd & 10, Jurevicius caught a simple, innocent, weak-assed dumpoff in the middle of the field at a point 6 yards downfield.Fariror was in PERFECT position to make a very easy, ordinary tackle on the slowest starting WR in the entire NFL.Instead, Farrior, like a lazy stupidfuk, tried to paw and grab at Jurev�s shoulders, and got shrugged off like a gnat, allowing an extra 4 yards and a very critical 1st down.Instead of forcing the visiting team to punt, this jackassed , lazy play allowed Clev to sustain a 17-play march en route to an opening TD. The poor play didn�t end there, however.Later in the 1Q, on a critical 3d & 5, Farrior got easily shoved aside by Jurev, who then corralled a curl for 6 yards.Farrior, supposedly the �Winged God of Pass Coverage� , was slow and stumbling in trying to cover Vickers on the short TD pass in the 2Q.For no obvious reasons, Farrior saw a lot of work rushing from the END (rather than the middle, where he is at least moderately effective), and did absolutely nothing in terms of heat or harassment.�� He actually showed some adequate mobility on a string-out of Lewis that lost a yard in the 3Q, but that doesn�t overcome what was a very mediocre performance.He was also flagged for a totally foolish offsides on 3d & 22 in the 3Q, which gave the Browns a 2nd chance at the 3rd down.��


Haggans had a solid game, with 2 solos and a team-high 6 assists.He was one of the few defenders to actually STICK, and WRAP, Jamaal Lewis, reslting in a meager 1-yard gain in the 3Q.His pass pressure was weak, however.


For the most part, Jamie Harrison continued his fine play with a solid game.Like all of his teammates, he was slow, feeble, and timid early on, doing absolutely nothing on the opening TD pass to Winslow.He had Winslow lined up on his face, and at the snap failed to hit Winslow and then failed to do ANYTHING, instead simply standing there after the play-fake with thumb up orifice.He was also trucked by Lewis on this opening drive.�� To his credit, he snapped out of the lethargy with some stellar play.He stripped Lewis in the 2Q, although Clev recovered.He stripped Lew again in the 3Q, creating a huge turnover that helped lead the way to victory. On the 1st Clev play of the 3Q, he also had a superb block take-on, which allowed him and Hagg to stop Lew stone cold and set the tone.��


Aside from a gentle shove by Foote early in the 1Q (on the play Winslow allowed the ball to clang off his shoulder), this defense didn�t hit Anderson once the entire game, which is unacceptable.When a visiting QB comes to a shit field like Heinz Mud Bog and leaves with his uniform looking like it�d just been cleaned & pressed at a Chinese laundry, there�s a blatant lack of hitting, ferocity, and production from the LB crew.���� J. Harrison: B.��� All others:C.


DB:Facing an offense with only 1 dangerous WR (and, yes, a dangerous TE as well), this secondary had far too many struggles.Like all of his teammates, Ike Taylor eased off on the deep flag to Edwards in the EZ, giving up a TD on a superb catch.The thing is, Ike HAD good coverage, and should have defended this pass, but foolishly EASED OFF, thinking that either the ball wasn�t coming or Edwards had insufficient room to make the grab.Ike very visibly eased off before the ball arrived, and paid dearly for it.��


Tony Smith got truckled brutally on a Lewis 5-yard plunge on Clev�s 2nd drive, and after the very next play, stepped on Lewis like a complete jackass, drawing a flag and giving Clev an automatic 1D.If you get your ass trucked, go back to the huddle and work harder and tougher on the next play, not go out and do a pussyfied, faggoty stunt like that.�� Smith did drop Lew on the next play, but the freebie 1st down was too much to overcome and Clev scored on the 1st play of the 2Q.

Pola was quiet as shit early on (just like all his teammates), but came alive in the 2H. He busted up an out to Winslow on the 1st drive of the 3Q.He then had a nice flash and cut-down of Lew, resulting in a 2-yard loss.He busted up a deep attempt to Winslow, and Ty Carter finished the play off with a punishing hit on The Soldier.Pola hd a superb flash, stick, and wrap of Jurev on the final meaningful play from scrimmage in the 4Q, which stopped Jurev stone cold after a 3-yard gain and forced the 52-yard FG that fell just short.

The downer was Pola twice letting up in coverage; first on Jurevicius in the 1Q in the EZ (luckily Anderson failed to see the open man), and again in coverage on Jurevicius in the 4Q, and nearly pays for it when Jurev turns it up the sideline and almost catches a long lob.�� All-Pro players set themselves above the pack by going full-bore on every second of every play, and I don�t understand the queer let-up by Pola that happened at least twice today.


At game�s end, Townsend failed miserably in breaking down on Jurev after this short out, which allowed Clev to gain a full additional 8 yards.


Overall, this secondary shouldn�t feel all too proud facing Derrick Anderson and Joe Jurevicius.�� They�ll have their hands much more full facing, uh, Tom Brady, Randy Moss, Welker, and Stallworth.�� �����C.


Spec teams:An absolute, unmitigated disaster of epic proportions.�� Special teams have rarely been this shitty since the 1993 loss to Cleveland, when Eric Metcalf took 2 punt returns to the house for the Clev victory.�� There�s no sense in sugarcoating this or glossing over the painfully obvious -- this was a goatfuck of epic proportions, as follows:


���������� - After a Reed FG cut the early deficit to 7-3, Cribbs takes the KO 90 yards to the 3-yard line to set up the easy TD.Gay tittyfought with a blocker and did nothing, and McFadden was extremely weak and soft.Then, Allen Rossum engaged Cribbs at midfield, but instead of actually trying to tackle the man by his BELT, Rossum decides to play patty-cakes with Cribbs, exchanging slaps and gropes about the chest for 25 yards before being shrugged to the ground like a beaten wife.��


���������� - Davenport gained some yardage on a KOR, and then foolishly ran backwards and lost some of the gain.


���������� - Sloppy tackling on the 1st punt of the 2H, with 2 missed tackles


���������� - Brainless FC by Rossum, with plenty of room, in the 3Q.


���������� - Poor 38-yard punt by Sepulveda midway thru the 3Q.


���������� - After seizing the lead in the 4Q, Reed�s squibber was flubbed by Cribbs and rolled all the way to the GL.�� Cribbs picked up the ball and, pinned down near the pylon, was facing a literal phalanx of Steeler defenders, to include Rossum, Madison, Kriewalt, Frazier, and Woodley.�� Sadly, not a single one of them broke down, nor did a single one use any manner of tackling that is typically learned by the time a guy reaches the Junior Varsity at the high school level, if not earlier. ��Rossum was the first to arrive, and flailed wildly and miserably.�� Harrison and Madison both foolishly over-ran the play and ended up with their dicks in the dirt at the 1-yard line while Cribbs was at the 3.�� It�s a good thing Anthony Madison was signed, and then was suited up in favor of Dan Kreider. Woodley took a weak angle and failed poorly.Frazier had a very good angle and merely needed to nudge Cribbs OOB -- a distance of about, oh, 7 inches-- but foolishly grabbed n� groped at Cribb�s chest and was shrugged off as easy as pie. ��McFadden dutifully and very politely escorted Cribbs the final 40 yards of the jaunt, never once making any effort to at least take a stab at the ballcarrier.�� In all, one of the most disgusting, pitiful, shameful, gutless, pussyfied special teams plays I have seen in my entire life.��

���������� - Rossum, after fielding 5 punts during the game, should have felt more comfortable shagging balls than Willie Mays, but inexplicably refused to field the late punt by Clev with 3 minutes remaining.The ball landed at the 20 and rolled to the 11, giving Clev and extra 9 yards of very critical FP that late in the game.�� ��It�s easy, and stupid, to shrug off this kind of boner as an innocent, meaningless error, but in a game that ended when the tying FG fell 1 yard short, this kind of veteran stupidity is utterly inexcusable.��


���������� - With 2:00 remaining in the game, Sepuveda booted a low, weak-assed liner that had ZERO hang time, allowing Cribbs an acre of room and an easy return of 19 yards to the Pit 38.Only by the grace of God was Clev. flagged for a hold, by former Pitt Panther Darnell Dinkins no less.��


Rossum had a 33-yard KO return in the 1Q and a 21-yard PR in the 3Q as the lone bright spot.�����F-.


OC:I�ve said this several times this season, and I will say it again -- Bruce Arians is a clueless simpleton, and is Chan Gayboy reincarnated.This guy has no �feel� for the game, and his gameplans are apparently compiled during a vomit session after a long, hard night of excessive binge drinking.


He began the game with 2 toss sweeps to the left, and then cleverly thought that he had the Browns exactly where he wanted them by running a 3d down reverse to the right that was engulfed for a 2-yard loss. ��You don�t run the misdirection gadget play on the 3rd fuking play of the game!!This same thing happened in the loss at AZ, when Arians called for a reverse in the FIRST series of the game.�� Let me repeat this again -- you don�t run the misdirection gadget play on the 3rd fuking play of the game!!


In the 3rd series, the offense ran a FIRST down PAP that netted 22-yards to Miller.�� Of course, you never saw this 1D play again.�� In fact, here�s what you got out of the mindless, 7th-grade offensive scheme of Bruce Arians on 1st down (broken down by quarter, runs are in black, pass plays are in blue):


1.Parker toss sweep, 2 yds.

2. Pass to Ward, 15 yds.

3.Pass to Parker on dumpoff, 3 yds.

4.Parker run up RT, 3 yds.


5.Parker run up gut, 2 yds.

6.Parker run up LG, 2 yds.

7.PAP flag to Miller, 22 yds.

8. Parker run, wide right, 3 yds.

9. PAP, Ward open on deep flag, Ben chickens out for no reason; Holmes foolishly stops his pattern, INT.��

10.Bubble screen to Ward, Miller whiffs on block, no gain.Penalty on Miller for push in the back after weak-assed whiff.

11.(1st & 20)Parker 10 yard run, wide left.�� Penalty on Ward, holding, at end of run.

12.(1st & 20)Pass to Holmes, 7 yds.

13.Slant pass to Nate, dropped.

14.Parker run wide left, 7 yds.

15.Pass to Miller, 17 yds.

16.(1st & G at 9) Shovel pass to Ward, 4 yds.


17.Parker run up LG, 3 yds.

18.Pass to Holmes, 13 yds.

19.Ben has Holmes open deep, pumps twice, holds onto ball, and is sacked & stripped.�� Loss of 13 yds.

20. Pass to Ward, 19 yds.

21.Parker run up gut, 2 yds.

22.Parker run up LT, 1 yd.

23.Parker run up LT, 1 yd.


24.Parker run up gut, 6 yds.

25.Parker run up LG, 1 yd.

26.Pass to Holmes on crosser, dropped.

27.Pass to Holmes, 15 yds.

28.Parker run up LG, 6 yds.

29.Parker run up gut, 3 yds.

30.Parker run up RT, 1 yd.

31.(1st & G at 2) Daven run up gut, no gain.

32.Parker run up gut, 1 yd.


As can clearly be seen, not once did Clev. truly and personally stop the Stiller passing game on 1st down.Instead, the Stillers either had enormous success with good gains, or their own self-inflicted stupidity and slop (dropped passes, failure to throw to open man) prevented success. ��Nonetheless, there was Bruce Arians, mindlessly and feebly plunging the ball time and time and time again (18 times in all, on 32 occasions) on 1st down against the very worst pass defense in the NFL.��


There were other blunders as well.�� The drive late in the 2Q was a botchfuk of epic proportions, with confusion, indecision, and time-wasting more rampant than what you�d find in a kindergarten classroom.�� Let�s review this circus.Ben completed the pass to Miller for 17 yards, down to the Clev 9.��� He then looks to the sideline, and has to wait SIX seconds for Arians to signal a TO with 1:04 remaining in the half.�� Coming out of the TO, with 1st & G at the 9, Arians calls the homosexual shovel pass, which gains a paltry 4 yards, and worse, keeps the clock running.So, they waste another TO, because, after all, you can�t call TWO plays over on the sideline during an NFL timeout.��� Ben�s lob to Ward is dropped, and a sack on a play in which Ward and Davenport nearly collide at the goal line forces a meager-assed FG with 8 secs remaining.��


Finally, at 14:16 of the 4Q, after a 5-yard carry by Willie Parker, Bruce Arians finally takes the shackles off his vaunted NO HUDDLE offense.�� The result?�� A 14-play drive that had the Clev defense off balance and flailing after being in solid control the entire 1H.Arians� slow-assed, whale-shit TEMPO actually feeds and helps a shitty defense like Cleveland�s, as it allows them to mentally regroup after each play as well as get situational substitutions onto the field.The no-huddle should have been used far earlier in the game, but once again, you�re talking about a coach with absolutely ZERO feel for the game of football.���C-.��

DC:Dick had the luxury of facing an average QB and the slowest starting WR in all of pro football, yet saw is defense struggle like bitches in the 1H.The long, 17-play opening march was utterly sickening, with defenders sitting and standing around as though they were watching a parade.That long march saw the following conversions:


���������� - 3d & 10

���������� - 3d & 9

���������� - 2d & 10

���������� - 3d & 5

���������� - 3d & 7


In other words, these weren�t �gimme� conversions of, say, 2 or 3 yards.I realize Farrior dicked the dog on the 1st conversion, but the defense was entirely too flaccid, meek and timid that entire drive.


As a defense, you must set the tone early and dominate an inferior opponent, and clearly that did not happen, which allowed Clev some confidence and hope.What you don�t want to do is give a road opponent confidence and hope, especially a team like Clev that has been prone to meltdowns and tantrums.


I saw far too much of James Farrior pass rushing from an outside spot, which was rendered entirely ineffective time and time again.�� Woodley, Haggans, and Harrison should be rushing from the outside, not a slow titty-jouster like Farrior, who�s best rushing is done right up the gut.�� ���C+ ��


HC:It�s becoming readily apparent as to what this team does after a big victory, in preparation for the next game:


���������� - Sit back, read all the glorious press clippings, and revel at their greatness, dominance, and superiority over the entire NFL


���������� - Relax, woof, crow, and preen


���������� - Post press clippings on the bulletin board for all to see


���������� - Gloat over press clippings


���������� - Pound chests over press clippings


���������� - Parade around the UPMC Complex with press clippings

���������� - Telephone friends and relatives and inform them about the press clippings


���������� - Mail press clipping to friends and relatives that were not available via phone


���������� - Mat and frame press clippings for posterity and for hanging around the walls of the UPMC complex and player residences


���������� - Dawdle, lay around, snooze, and laze about.After all, when you�re such a dominant, superior football team, why try hard in preparation during the week ??��


Standing around, easing off, avoiding hits, failing to breakdown on tackles, and general turdism were the order of the day for the entire team.�� How else do you explain:


���������� - Parker tip toes at the end of an 11-yard run, and gets unexpectedly knocked on his ass OOB by Jones.

���������� - Pola lets up in coverage on Jurevicius in the 1Q in the EZ, and luckily Anderson failed to see the open man.

���������� - Pola lets up in coverage on Jurevicius in the 4Q, and nearly pays for it when Jurev turns it up the sideline and almost catches a long lob.��

���������� - Harrison, of all people, meekly stands around on the opening TD pass to Winslow.

���������� - Numerous defenders get trucked on runs in the 1Q, to include Harrison, Foote, Farrior, and Tony Smith

���������� - Hines Ward drops 2 passes, 1 of which was a TD pass

���������� - Benji timidly holds onto the football and refuses -- on several occasions -- to unleash DOWNFIELD passes to open receivers against the worst defense in the NFL������


There is a massive, rampant problem with this team handling prosperity.�� 3 times this season, the team has looked like world beaters, only to rush out the following week and lay a collective egg in every phase of the game.�� Tomlin has preached about keeping an even keel, but has abjectly failed to enforce the even keel or anything remotely approaching �even keel�.


The O-line problems continue to exist, and at this point, 9 games into the season, it�s highly unlikely we�ll see any kind of marked improvement.�� The STs started out the seasonadequately, and then declined steadily, and now are at a stench-laden, embarrassing abyss that we must pray won�t get any worse.Tomlin is, on paper, sitting pretty at 7-2, but he�s got an awful lot of work to do if this team is to avoid a severe assbeating come playoff time.�� ���C-.��


Playing Surface:A total abomination.Chunks of sod were flying everywhere, and players are slipping and sliding as though the game were being played in a sandlot.And consider this -- the Pitt Panthers still have 1 more home game remaining on Nov. 24th, and of course there will be the obligatory FOUR consecutive high school championship games all played on one day in late Nov.�� By early Dec, this cow pasture will be an even worse pile o� shit.�� It�s an embarrassment and a disgrace to the coaches, the players, and last but not least, the proud FANS of the city of Pittsburgh�.and it�s entirely the fault of Cheapass Rooney for being too cheap, too stubborn, and too stupid to install FIELD TURF when every other major pro sports team in a cold weather venue has already done so.���� F-


Synopsis:By surviving this immense scare, the team all but has the division locked up, unless they lay more eggs against the lowly likes of NYJ, Dolphs, Bungals, and Rams, which, quite evidently, is capable of occurring, given the egg lays against AZ, Denver, and Clev.��� I do think this team will sew up the division, but division titles mean little by themselves.�� I�d warned in this column last week about my concerns of this team having a letdown & laying an egg, and I�m disappointed it actually happened after 2 prior lessons should have been learned in AZ and Denver.�� Beating Clev is always enjoyable, but now is the time to be fine-tuning the tactics and play-making, not playing fiddle-faddle at home against an inferior opponent and clawing for a thin victory.�� The time is now to increase the intensity, focus, and overall production as the team enters the stretch run before the playoffs.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)




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