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Playoffs: Week 1

January 13, 2005 by Swissvale72

  1. The Preparation:Packed my bag on Monday.Had to make decisions while consulting with weather reports, and the discrepancy between TWC and the PG (went with the locals).How many layers?How important to have Steeler gear in the underneath layers where nobody will see them (least I don�t think so!).What about footwear?Bulky boots or bring a carpet remnant to warm my feet (�done that before, don�t want to be lugging a rug around with me).Binoculars?Yep.Oh!!Almost forgot my Terrible Towel.Monday night�.I�m ready to go.Flying out of Manchester Saturday morning, 6:05�hope USAirways doesn�t go under before then!!!
  2. The Anxiety:Still struggling with the now irrelevant question of whether SD would have been a better matchup.WHY do I put such energy into useless activities.Anyway, I�m useless at work (�nothing new there).I have the radio in my office tuned to WEEI Boston, and to the local ESPN radio.I�m constantly running out to my car to pick up WFAN New York. I tell my secretary, who�s new, that I don�t always act that way.It�ll be over in a month.Whoever backs the Steelers this week (Mike Golic, Sean Salisbury) is my friend.Whoever does not (Boomer Esiason) is the enemy.I hear Brenston Buckner on NFL Network criticizing the home crowd at one of the Wild Card sights for lacking the playoff intensity/atmosphere.Buck assures the listeners that this atmosphere WILL exist in Pittsburgh this weekend.I remember seeing Buck in a scrap with the Cleve Brownies during introductions in the �94 Playoff.I hear Takeo Spikes tell listeners that the Steelers need to �just show up� on Saturday to win.Dan Patrick expresses his surprise.Takeo says, �I know what I�m talking about�.trust me.�I watch and re-watch the Jets tape from the December game, assuring myself that the Steelers will win.People ask me how I can possibly manage my anxiety next week should the Steelers win?Would I not be better off personally if they lose?I assure them that Anxiety trumps Depression every single time.
  3. The Prediction:Here�s what will happen.Don�t underestimate the benefits of the Steelers� two-week rest & home-field advantage, versus the Jets 2 overtime road games the last two weeks, and playing in front of the Pittsburgh crowd.I also truly believe that we are significantly better-coached than this Jets team.They�re not necessarily undisciplined, but their preparation seems to be lacking (ala 10 men on the field on consecutive plays last week).I would also not underestimate our having played them last directly following the Jacksonville game: a hard-hitting, emotional Sunday night win.We were in the midst of the �Non-Plax� streak, where our offense during the Cinci, Wash., Jax & Jets games was limited, scoring less than 20 each week, but winning them all.Simply put, I don�t think that the Steelers played their best game against the Jets but still won. It also seems as though pundits predict that if Ben needs to do more, that we�ll be in trouble.Not so.The O-line will generally play better, blocking the tackles better.Steelers will have success going downfield early in the game.Ben will throw at least 15 times in the first half, no more than 10 in the second half.Once establishing our downfield capability, we will have success pounding the ball on the ground.The defense will be all over Pennington.He still seems to have little zip on the ball, which those QBs most successful against the Steelers (Leftwich) have had.We will once again hold the Jets to 10 point or less, and win, as predicted earlier by a 20-7 margin.
  4. The aftermath:Should the Pats win, my anxiety will be supercharged.I will research moving companies, as I can�t stay in New England should the Pats beat the Steelers.Should the Colts win, I will be doing rain dances all week.I�ll leave my Steeler gear in Pittsbugh; I�ll be repacked within an hour of touching down in Manchester on Monday.I�ll, I�ll, I�ll��.Go Steelers!!
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