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Stillers vs. Titans Pregame Analysis (Game #1)

September 08, 2005 by Still Mill

Stillers vs Titans Game #1

Stillers vs. Titans Pregame Analysis (Game #1, vs. Tenn.)


The Stillers open their 2005 campaign with a home tilt against former division rival Tennessee, which is coming off a hideous 5-11 season, their worst in anyone's recent memory.The Stillers, of course, are coming off a franchise and AFC-best 15-1 record, and the hopes are high that this team can finally turn the corner and land a spot in the Super Bowl.


 * When the Titans have the ball, old warhorse Steve McNair will lead the charge.Mc Hair is back from his sternum surgery, and it remains to be seen how much punishment he can take, or even dish out as he is prone to do.Of course, few QBs in the league are as physically and mentally tough as McNair, so one can assume he'll be ready for full contact.


The Bitans bring a solid ground game into Heinz Field.Travis Henry and Chris Brown give the Tits a very capable 1-2 punch.Henry is a good enough receiver to create some mismatches in the passing game, although he was hobbled and played sparingly in preseason.Neither Henry nor Brown are breakaway runners, nor is either a top-15 NFL RB, but both are effective, capable backs that give Coach Fisher the kind of dull but grindingly effective running game that he prefers.��


Tenn has a big, rangy tandem at WR, with Drew Bennett and Ty Calico getting the start.Bennett really flourished last season, grabbing 80 passes, averaging nearly 16 yards per catch, and scoring 11 TDs.Ladies and gentlemen, this guy is for real and is a genuine threat with his athleticism, huge size, savvy skills, and deceptive speed/quickness.Calico, returning from injury, isn't too shabby, either.Both he and Benny are big and rangy, and they definitely present matchup concerns against a smallish secondary.Highly touted rookies Courtney Roby (IU) and Brandon Jones (Oklahoma U) should get a fair amount of work when the Titans go to a 3-4 wide offense.


Massive TE Erron Kinney is as much a blocker as receiver, but he makes the catches when thrown the ball.He's got a banged up shoulder, but should play.Backup TE Ben Troupe, the highly regarded 2nd-year man from Florida, has an uncertainstatus for this game and likely won't see much, if any, playing time.Unlike a Bilbo Cowher-coached team, Titans OC Norm Chow fully believe in using his TEs as something more than a glorified tackle eligible, so it will be interesting to see how Chow and McNair work the ball to the TE, especially against a team that has notoriously been abused by TEs over the past decade.


The Titan O-line is a decent, but not exceptional, unit.What hinders them this Sunday is that their best linemen, Brad Hopkins, must serve a 1-game suspension.In his absence at LT will be rookie 2nd-rounder Mike Roos.What Roos lacks in experience, he makes up for with a massive 6'-7" frame.Zach Piller and Benji Olson are capable interior brawlers.Center Justin Hartwig is an acceptable center, while RT Jacob Bell is a marginal starter.


The Stiller defense may be missing OLB Joey Porter, who is back and practicing but likely will be rusty from the layoff of minor knee surgery.The rest of the defense is intact, although their preseason play has been shoddy.LB Jamie Harrison might get the start in place of Porter, but as Harrison has shown throughout the preseason, he's done little or nothing in the pass rush department while locked up against the opposing LT.Perhaps Harrison will play on running downs and then spelled by Porter on obvious passing downs.


The key matchup will be CB Wee Willie Williams against the big WR corps of the Titans.There's no rational reason for Williams to start for any team aspiring to go deep in the playoffs, and beyond that, there's no rational reason for a twerpy CB with no size, no speed, and no athleticism to be starting against a pair of skilled, big receivers.This is a grisly matchup and one that new OC Norm Chow will be sure to exploit.


* When the Stillers have the ball, they'll limp into the game with an offense that had no "O" and no "go" in the preseason, scoring zero TDs and doing little more than slipshod fiddle faddle.The man at the helm, Ben Roth, has been spotty and sporadic throughout the preseason.Despite his struggles, it's well known that Benji is more of a 2nd-half QB, and obviously he'll get his chance to play in the 2H this Sunday.He'll be without his starting RB, Duce Staley, as well as without The Fatback, Big Jerome Bettis.But despair not, because Fast Willie Parker will get the starting nod.Parker has good speed and quickness to go along with solid instincts, and he gives what is otherwise a very slowfooted offense a badly needed burst of speed.Verron Haynes will probably see a fair amount of work in order to spell Parker and keep him fresh.

The Stiller O-line was supposed to be solidified with the return of RG Ken Simmons and the insertion of young Max Starks at RT, but overall, the line play in preseason was nothing better than mediocre.They were pretty much overwhelmed last week by the 1st-team of the Caro Panthers, which, that late in preseason, wasn't too pleasing a picture.


Stiller OC Ken The Wise Hunt went with the ButtonHook Offense during preseason, dictating that no primary pass pattern be any longer than 11 yards downfield.It should be interesting to see if Wise Hunt unshackles this offense come Sunday.


The Titans employ a base 4-3, with Fat Albert Haynesworth and Randy Starks clogging the middle.2nd-year DE Antwan Odom is supposedly ready to flourish, and DE Kyle Vanden Bosch is a solid, steady presence.The LB corps is unheralded to the uninitiated, but this crew doesn't have to take a back seat to any LB gang in the league.Superb OLB Keith Bulluck leads the LB corps.He is ably assisted by fellow OLB Peter Sirmon, who missed most of last season with injury.Brad Kassell, he of a fairly nasty disposition, mans the middle.Rocky Boiman, who ate up the Stillers 2 years ago as though he were a reincarnation of Jack Ham, serves as a very capable backup.


The secondary is led by the vicious-hitting Tank Williams, who hits, needless to say, like a tank.The Tank also serves as an extra LB when opposing teams go vanilla or bunch in tightly.Andre Woolfolk is a decent CB, although, largely due to injuries, he's not yet flourished into the CB many envisioned in the 2003 draft.Highly touted #1 draftee Jac Man Jones might see considerable PT at the corner; if not, speedster Tony Beckham will get the work.��


The key matchup will be RG Kendall Simmons against DTs Randy Starks or Al Haynesworth.�� Fat Albert is a tub of lard to move, and Starks is strong as an ox.Simmons has had problems in the past dealing with beef and brawn, and this will be his first real game since Jan. 2004.


* Special Teams: Craig Hentrich is one of the better, more reliable punters in the league.Former Stiller Rob Bironas handles the kicking chores.This is a bit ironic, as a couple years ago, I was pushing, and pushing hard, for the Stillers to retain Bironas as their kickoff specialist and possible PK replacement.Stiller PK Jeff Reed had a spotty preseason; hopefully he's shaken off that rust and is ready to boot with accuracy.For bitter irony, former Stillers' #1 draft pick Troy Edwards is on the Titans' roster, and perhaps, if he does nothing else, he can run out of bounds while covering a punt.


Key Individual Matchups:


* JacMan Jones vs. Hines Ward.The Jac Man was drafted with high hopes, but he's probably in for some NFL schooling at the hands of Hines Ward.Look for the Titans to shade coverage toward where ever Ward is, which will then make it incumbent on the Stillers to work TE Heath Miller or Randle El in the more open middle-seams.


* New Titans OC Norm Chow, vs. Stiller DC Dick LeBeau.�� Chow worked miracles at Ol' SC, churning out 40-point outputs with ease.He doesn't have Reggie Bush, Mike Williams, and Matt Leinart at his disposal, but he does have some weapons.His NFL debut should be interesting.


* Titans HC Jeff Fisher vs. Billy Cowher.As a player, Fischer suffered a debilitating injury while returning a punt, courtesy of Bilbo Cowher.This apparently is what feeds Fischer's motivation and intensity, because as a coach he's used Cowher as his own personal little bitch, winning 10 of the past 12 meetings against Lord Bilbo. Rarely, if ever, has a Fischer-coached team not been 'up' for playing the Stillers.


* OLB Clark Haggans vs. RT Jacob Bell.This is a very favorable matchup for Haggans, and if LeBeau lets Hag loose, he could ring Jacob's bell.


* Intangible - The home crowd.They suffered through a pitiful preseason in which the starters on both sides of the ball dawdled around and did nothing.And it's been a long summer for Paihrt (Pirate) fans.This crowd could turn surly and ugly should the Bitans get up early and the Stiller offense struggles.


* Synopsis: It's opening day, which, as we all know, means plenty of slop and slather from a Billy Cowher-coached football team.(Click here to peruse Cowhard's hilarious opening-day follies.)The Titans have the most rookies and 2nd year players in the NFL, which should translate into loads of confusion on behalf of the Titans and an easy whipping for the Stillers in front of the home crowd.But, as we've seen time and time and time again, Billy Cowher is immensely capable of making any opening-day opponent look like the '67 Packers.Look for plenty o' slop n' slather from Cowher's troops, including a plethora of stumbling and blundering.This really should be an easy Stiller win, but Cowhard's opening day ineptitude, combined with the totally lackluster preseason and a general feeling of overlooking the 5-11 Titans, makes this a game ripe for an upset.Bitans 19, Stillers 16.



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