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The Stillers - My Thoughts and Opinions

November 06, 2006 by Guest

Reasons for Steelers poor play:  They partied too hard after the SB, got big heads, everyone spent the off season studying them, they aren't quite as good as they think they are, the story Cowher possibly leaving after the season was a distraction, Ben's motorcycle accident, Ben's surgery, Ben's concussion, Ben missing significant playing time in camp and early in the season, inexperience in the WR corp, many players not stepping up, lack of a consistent pass rush from the front seven, inconsistent play from the OL, many dropped passes, DBs not making INTs they should, substandard coaching, turnovers inside the opponents 10 yd line (killer), and somebody upstairs playing a cruel joke on all Steeler fans this season.

The Steelers have a good team (not the best but definitely better then what they're play or record shows).  Mathematically they're still in it but realistically they're done.  So what do they do from here?  They finish the season one game at a time and do the best they can.  Benching Ben would not help.  Ben has played barely two season's worth of football, missed a lot of camp and this season for various reasons and it would send a very wrong message to him and the team.  He needs the playing time with the OL, RBs and especially the WRs. 

They can't bench all the starters and just play rookies just to give them playing time.  They would lose every veteran they have.  They can get some of the rookies more playing time.  Rotate them in every third or so series, special teams, special plays or situations to give them some experience but NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF TRYING TO WIN A GAME.  The standard is still to go into every game and try to win.  If not, we become like Detroit or the Saints (in the past).

Off-season:  They must clarify the situation with Cowher.  If he leaves then you go out (or within the team) and get the best head coach for this team.  That doesn't mean get some hot coaching prospect like a Nick Saban b/c he may or may not be the best fit for this team, organization or city. 

They need to review all players� performance and potential for the future with the team and make the appropriate decision (they continue to start, move up or down the depth charts or get rid of them).  Example; Why is Staley still on the team if he's third string, we lose a RB but in stead of suiting him up you bring up a rookie on the practice squad?  This isn't why they're losing but there's no reason to have him on the team.  The same goes for all the coaches and personnel in the organization. 

This includes seeing where they need help for next year through the Draft and FA.  One good thing about this, is they'll get higher Draft picks.  Remember, they had a horrible season a few years ago.  Who were they able to get in the first round?  Would the Steelers have won the SB last year if they hadn't had a down year, gotten Ben (and others) and stayed tough as a team and organization?  No!

I am not suggesting or think that they need to "rebuild" the team.  They have the talent to compete, win and get to the playoffs.  This is a snowball rolling down the hill.  You can't stop it on a dime but you also can't just say "what the hell" and let it roll out of control until the end of the season.  They have to play one game at a time, focusing just on that.  Nothing else and nothing else anyone says or does.  Win one and try to win another.  What they do now will have an affect on next season and the future.


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