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November 06, 2006 by Swissvale72







What Happened???

By Swissvale72



How many times�

-the fumbles

-the interceptions

-the undisciplined play

-the getting beat on fades


Not listened to Cowher.What�d he have to say�.�I like how my guys played�.we�ll get �em next week�blah, blah, blah�..harrumph, harrumph, harrumph.��� Maybe it should have been Cowher breaking his fuckin� leg this weekend, not JoePa�.and JoePa looked bad LAST week!!Scary thought�.I wouldn�t be surprised if Cowher doesn�t want to go out on such an abominable season, and returns next year for the final year of his contract.I also wouldn�t be surprised if he re-ups for an additional two years.


Steeler QB throws for upwards of 400 yards???Rarely a good thing�54 passes, 19 runs�..we don�t win like that.


Last year, I think we had no turnovers inside the redzone.This year?? Unsure of exactly how many�but it�s been a shitload�no doubt!!


What the fuck, James Farrior??We�re about to get off the field, and you decide to take a shot at somebody.That penalty, combined with last week�s quartet of personal fouls�..there�s much of the problem.That, and using a ball that must have been through the popcorn better machine.


Weird�.was the night before the game, and I was dreaming that I was in San Diego,of all places.In my dream, there were Sushi stands galore, every other doorway sold the raw fish� Chad Brown missed the boat, never signing with the Chargers.Paco and Hose-Hey and Whaan were about, peddling their wares in front of the tourist trap, Thirsty Dick�s.My dream was so vivid�.powder blue, Qualcomm�.


I�ve had other recurring dreams�.in one, I�m out in public, but I have no pants!!Waddaya suppose that means?In the other, I have a football game to play�but I just can�t get to it.Waddaya suppose that means??Do you suppose this San Diego dream will be recurring?One can hope�.I liked it�was perfect!!


Far from perfect were our Pittsburgh Steelersyesterday.I was the Eternal Optimist�.didn�t pack up until Hines lost the fumble.Can�t even be pissed at Hines for that�..dude plays absolutely reckless�.no regard for his well-being!!Oh�I also didn�t pack up in � 65 when we were playing the Redskins, losing 31-3, driving rainstorm, 9 seconds remaining.Anybody else there?Or were you, like 5 years old, and not allowed out of your back yard�.tied to the porch by your big brothers??


Anybody seen that show, �Deal or No Deal?�Take the 8-8 season deal?How �bout 9-7, with no playoff berth??NO DEAL!!! Maybe we�re holding the box that says 10-6, #4 seed�.or possibly 9-7 with #4 seed!!Ay�Ay�Ay�until we�re mathematically eliminated, I�ll maintain hope. Had a waitress named Hope yesterday�..should have been named Hope-less!!Cinci�s goin� no better than 9-7, more likely 8-8.They will lose their last 3, at Denver, at Indy, Steelers.We have to beat Baltimore twice, and hope they lose 2, or 3 more� at Cinci�.don�t have my sched, but I believe they�re at KC and�know what, hope they lose to Cleveland,too.


What the fuck�.know my type is red, it�s all underlined, and I have no idea how to change it, which should not be a suprirse to any of you..I�m writing this article on a flight to New Hampshire, can�t seek help��so this is how this article comes to you.Next thing y�know, I�l be dreaming of San Diego again.Paco, and Hose-Hey andWhaan return!!Am I losing my mind??This Steeler team will make you iinsane, but then again�sanity�s overratedIn fact, my friend, Nick , from Swissvale, has lived in Hawaii for years, just released a CD.See, Nick did a stint in the local psych ward last year�.his CD�s entitled, �Certified Lune,��.produced by Psychwardrecords.In fact, go to it out.What�s this have to do with anything.Dunno�.I�m randomly associating.�� The last time I saw Nick was before my grandma�s 90th birthday, Sunday after Thanksgiving, 1984�..he came over, we watched�.Steelers beating�.SAN DIEGO!!!!


Anyway, my Steeler friends, look at it this way.Ya give up hope now�.there�s still half a season to play.�� Too early to start re-playing last year�s Super Bowl tapes, or morbidly watching the 9th inning of Game #7 of the 1992 NLCS�..just in case you might have been too chicken to watch it loivel!!At least remaining hopeful until elimination makes the season a bit more interesting�more fathomable!!Let�s just say, we beat the �Aints next week (�wow�.did you ever think we�d be wandering if we could beat the Saints�in Heinz??), then win at the CleveBrownies.Would ya be a little bit excited for the game at Baltimore the Sunday after Thanksgiving, knowing that a win puts us 3 games back at least, with two home games ahead??


Starting to stop at Starbucks more often�.though still prefer Dunkin� Donuts.What�s the deal though with the �foam� and the sleeves on their stuff???And how �bout doing the sizes in English!!Sick of ordering shit in �Venti� size�what the hell is Venti???


Oh�.my San Diego dream�..I was driving a BMW!!!!!!!!!!!!1Never inmy life�.Waddaya suppose that means??

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