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Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades

December 08, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers 27, Browns 7���
Stillers 27, Browns 7 ���. Dec. 7, 2006 ����Game #13��


Stillers-Browns Postgame Analysis and Grades


Fighting off the bitter cold, the Stillers put the wood to the Pumpkinheads with a sound 27-7 beating.��




QB:Benji was only 11 for 21, but made the most of his completions with 225 yards amidst a cold, windy evening.He threw a perfect deep strike to Nate for the opening TD.That bomb was made possible by the preceding play, when Ben had a superb hot read (something woefully missing versus Balt.) on a big 3rd & 4 blitz, hitting Holmes on the out for 16 yards.On 3rd & 3 in the 3Q, Ben eluded the rush and threw across his body to Tuman for an 18-yard gain.Batch handed off a bunch in mop-up.�� Considering the chill and the fact that the 2 starting WRs sat out due to injury, this was a quality start by Ben Roth.�� A-


RB:Parker ran over, through, and around the Pumpkinhead defense for a Stiller single-game record 223 yards.�� He running was superb, slashing through small cracks and grinding for extra yardage.�� He did commit a couple boners, though.Lined up out wide, he dropped a bubble screen in the 2Q.Later in the quarter, after a 20-yard gain, he coughed up the ball and Clev recovered.Daven had some solid carries, although his reading ability & decision making leaves a bit to be desired.Kuhn had a nice 16-yard carry in garbage time.��A


FB: The Stillers went with a ton of 1-back sets, limiting Kreider's PT.He snared a short out and gained 6 yards.His blocking, when used, was decent.B.


WR:Holmes led the WR corps with 4 grabs for 81 yards, including some nice RAC work.Saddled all season running only buttonhooks and curls, Holmes was released of his shackles and made the most of the opportunity, with gains of 17, 16, 23, and 25 yards.On a 3d & 7 in the 3Q, Holmesie had a nice pluck on a seamer, good for 23 yards.He had some struggles, though.He inexplicably slowed up on a deep post in the 2Q.There was contact, but not so massive that he couldn't have kept chugging in order to either stab at the ball or draw a PI flag.Later in the 2Q, on a curl out near the Clev goal line, Holmes allowed the ball to bounce off him in a bizarre manner.


���������� Nate got the team on the board in the 1Q, running a chair route and beating former Duquesne Duke Leigh Bodden for a 49-yard TD.Nate also made a nice adjustment on an 18-yard reception in the 2Q.But on the next play, he allowed a slant thrown slightly behind to glance off his fingertips while near the goal line.


���������� Walter Young had a solid 17-yard reception on 3d & 9 in the 2Q.Morey actually snared a pass, good for 15 yards.He had another grab for 13 yards, but it was negated due to his PI flag.����� B.


TE:Miller was shut out in the catching department, as he dropped a short curl on the 1st series.Tuman had a key 18-yard reception.Miller's blocking was fairly solid.�� Tuman committed a foolish false start in the 4Q.��B


OL: The line has been rightfully ridiculed for their lethargy the past several weeks, but they snapped out of their funk with a dominant performance.Even Fat Ted Washinton was getting bullied about.Faneca sprung 2 big runs by Parker in the 2Q and more in the 3Q.Hartings was more lively tonight than he'd been all season.His peelback block that pancaked Wimbley on the BenRoth TD run was a sight to behold.Smith wasn't eaten alive by Wimbley the way he was 3 weeks ago.Faneca committed a false start in the 4Q.The overall pass pro was solid.When you average 7+ yards per carry and keep your QB's jersey clean, your O-line had a dominating game.��A+


DL:After getting gashed in Cleveland a few weeks ago, the line bucked up and played much more stout.Aaron Smith was strong and active all night long, forcing a fumble and recovering it in the 2Q.Keisel and Hampton chipped in with good play.Hoke drew a holding flag.��A-


LB:A solid showing by the LBers.Foote, although far from great, is at least modestly impressing me again with some bulldog tenacity.Haggns totally stuffed Smith on a 3rd & 3 plunge on the 1st series, setting the tone for the rest of the evening.Farrior was cheap shotted by Winslow in the 4Q, but then jarred a pass loose with a rugged hit soon thereafter.Porter strung out a sweep for a 3-yard loss, though he committed an offside in the 3Q and meekly flailed at Droughns in the 1Q on a 5-yard gainer in which Big Joey was unblocked & untouched.��A-


DB:Tony Smith got the start at FS and made the most of it with a quality start.He had a big hit on Gaylon Edwards in the 1Q on a slant, jarring the ball loose for an incompletion.In the 2Q, he put a big hit on Dinkins.In the 3Q, he read Andy and had an INT to thwart a Brownie drive.The only downer was the missed stop of Edwards on the 4th & 3 in the 4Q, which resulted in a 45-yard TD by Gaylon.Some of this can be blamed on the entirely shitty mud field at Heinz Bog, but Smith took a poor angle on this play and got caught in limbo.He'll learn, however, and ply it to 2007, when he rightfully assumes the starting FS chores.


���������� McFadden started and had a key bust-up of a 3rd & 7 pass to Edwards late in the 1Q.Ike saw some time in the nickel.Ty Carter started at SS and did allright.Townsend had some struggles with Jurevicious.�� ��B.


Spec teams:Some good, some bad.The 1st half kick coverage was splendid.Logie nailed Northcutt onthe 1st punt of the game.Harrison rocked Cribbs on KO coverage and then stopped N-cutt on punt coverage.Even Holmes had a nice 18-yard PR in the 2Q.But Reed's 35-yard FG was blocked in the 2Q, primarily thanks to Trai Essex's fat ass being blown 3 yards back and into the path of Reed's kick.The 3Q KO coverage was shabby, but late in the 3Q, Harrison's pursuit of the KO returner injured Dinkins.Chidi Iwuoma re-joined the team with a big hit on KO coverage in the 4Q.��� The STs were not a disaster, but not overly good, either.B-��

OC:I wasn't all that fond of Cheezenhunt abandoning the run on the 2d & goal from the Clev 5 in the 2Q, which led to the FG.The rare pump fake on the chair route was so stunning that I could hardly believe my eyes.Imagine, Cheezenhunt scheming to outfox an opponent !��� Removing the shackles from Holmes, whod' spent the entire season doing little else except running hooks and curls, was a sight for sore eyes.Why'd it take 13 weeks to figure that Holmes is more talented than, say, Courtney Hawkins?B


DC:Dick once again had the easy luxury of facing a total greenhorned QB that was making his 1st ever start.My gawd, how many times has Lebeau had this luxury in recent years?�� 6 ?11 ?Dick was also aided by a pitiful Clev O-line and 8 (eight) dropped passes by Clev.You can always count on Denny Northcutt to drop a few against the Stillers (3, in this case).The softee 3-man rush near the end of the 2Q enraged me.Andy had ALL day in the pocket, and easily completed a crosser all the way across the field by Jurevicious for 27 yards.My gawd -- stop the mamby pamby !!�� B.

HC:After the lethargic sleepwalks the past 2 weeks, it was pleasant to see some fire and hitting and intensity from this club.B+


Playing Surface: ��A total disgrace.An embarrassment on national TV.��� F-


Synopsis:Yet another win over the hapless bumpkin Pumpkins, the 7th in a row!�� And a solid assbeating at that!Of course, you have to temper it with the fact that it was a lowly, bumbling, inept Clev team, with a greenhorn QB making his 1st NFL start.This isn't quite the same as playing Carolina or Cinci on the road, or hosting Baltimore.The Stiller now face the brutal 3-game home stretch of the schedule.Mathematically, they are still in the playoff hunt.Let's see what they do, and how they do, against genuine playoff-caliber competition.


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)




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