The home of die hard Pittsburgh Steelers fans. It's not just a team, it's a way of life!


January 22, 2007 by Swissvale72








By Swissvale72



Me again�.back to report that I had seriously underestimated how elated I would be today!!I had tried to convince myself that I would be okay if the Patriots won their 4th Super Bowl.Even if it equalized the Steelers� mark of 4 in 6 years, we would still have 5 to their 4.�� It would be okay.Fuck that!!As soon as Marlin Jackson made his pick, I entered a manic state, from which I�ve yet to exit.�� Just keep getting in deeper��every disgruntled Pats fan that I encounter is a magic elixir�.a new high�best drug not on the market.


I drop my car at Dick�s Sunoco�..every Monday, there�s some bullshit Patriots jibberish on the message board.Today??It�s fuckin� blank!!I see Preston, the Cowboys fan, pumping gas.I go over, say to him, �Preston, I�m so glad those fuckers lost.��� We both laugh like hyenas.Out comes Dick, bitchin� about his Patriots. �That fuckin� team,� says Dick, �I�m so fuckin� pissed.�I can�t help myself, I laugh out loud, I�m in stitches.I�ll probably have no brakes on the way home today.


I get to work.Dan, who�s crowin� last week about chasing �One for the Thumb� next year, is now practically in tears, saying he�ll boycott the Super Bowl!!This is too good to be true.My smile gets wider & wider.This is a milder, more acute version of Post-Euphoric Immersion Syndrome (PEIS).I�m now afflicted with PGFY (Patriots Got Fucked Hysteria).


This could be one of my best football days ever�..and it�s only 10 am�.so much more Patriots pain & misery to lift my spirits!!Ya know, I had trouble sleeping last night after the game�.was wired�.the rest of New England, and the early returns are coming in�at least in my workplace, had a fitful night�s sleep.Can you imagine�..losing a game like that, at 10:30pm, then trying to go to sleep!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


A couple more thoughts on the game, neglected to run in my last article��some of which I included on the Message Board.


-Watching the 5am Boston news this morning.What a difference between Boston & Pittsburgh.Their newscasters were joking/smiling.

They led off with the weather.

There was not one fan on hand to greet the team when they pulled into Pittsburgh.

One nitwit Pats fan outside the RCA Dome was on camera, saying this was the best Pats� game she had ever seen, including the Super Bowls.Earth to Nitwit:�� This was the best pass game, that�I�.ME�YOURS TRULY had ever seen.


-Atypical of a Belihcick team to be whistled for 12 men in the huddle in such a big spot.That said, I still thought the Pats would pick up the first down with about 2 and a half minutes remaining.They pick it up there, best the Colts can do is get the ball back, deep in their own territory, with about 40 seconds left.


-Anyone else catch Jim Plunkett, trophy presentation, almost say BALTIMORE Colts�.a �B� definitely parsed his lips.


Okay� to find more Pats fans�.more laughs abound.�� And then�..can�t wait to listen to The Big Show on WEEI this afternoon, with buffoon Fred Smerlas, and Stupid Fat Fuck Pete (the Meat) Shepherd.�� They could not believe that any of the so-called �national media� were picking the Colts to win.


The talk radio idiots, the insufferable fan base��brought to their knees�..only thing better is a Steelers Super Bowl win.

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