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Stillers-Bucs Postgame Analysis and Grades

December 03, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers 20, Tampa 3 ��� Game #12
Stillers 20, Tampa 3 ���. Dec.3, 2006 ����Game #12��


Stillers-Bucs Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers bounced back from last week's beat-down by grinding out a rather bland, methodical, boring win over the lowly Bucs.The Stillers took a 10-0 lead into the halftime locker room and then scored another TD in the 4Q.Overall, this undoubtedly was one of the blandest, most boring Stiller game I can recall in the past decade.Only some strong European coffee kept me awake during this snoozer of a ballgame.




QB:Ben started out slow and rocky.On the 1st series, he telegraphed, and then threw an INT on a pass to Nate that Brooks read and picked.Barber had a fairly easy INT in the 2Q, but simply dropped it.The play that really enraged me was the PAP boot on 2d & 7 late in the 1Q.This played ended up netting 18 yards on an improvised scramble and pass to Holmes, but it should have been a longer reception or even a TD.The play was designed to hit Heath Miller on a flag, but Roth inexplicably hesitated despite Miller being quite open.It's precisely this kind of hesitation by BenRoth that has led to INTs, busted-up passes, and sacks.�� Fortunately, Ben was much more decisive as the game wore on, including a nice lob to Nate off a flush for 36 yards at the end of the 3Q and a laser-like TD pass to Miller in the 4Q.He was scattershot with many a pass, but we also need to factor in that missing Ward for the entire game and Wilson for most of it didn't help the passing game.�� B-


RB:Parker was held in check for 3 quarters, but came alive in the 4Q with some strong runs.He also snagged a dumpoff and raced for a 25-yard gain.I felt Parker misread the blocking in his 2nd & goal run on a counter in the 1Q.Parker got impatient and cut it up, when the blocking of Faneca and Kreider was up the LT hole.Daven got some carries in garbage time.Staley again did not dress.B-


FB: Kreider had some good blocks, particularly on the 14-yard Parker gain in the 4Q.He carried on a quick-hitting plunge for 5 yards.Of course, he won't carry the ball again for another 3 weeks.B.


WR:With Hines out due to his knee injury, Nate Wash led the way with 3 grabs for 78 yards.And it wasn't an easy 3 grabs.He snared a seamer for 24 yards in the 2Q before taking a hard hit.He caught a deep ball along the sideline, amidst decent coverage, for 36 yards at the end of the 3Q.He made a fine catch on another deep sideline pass from the Steeler 1-yard line in the 3Q, but was ruled OOB.Since the DB made significant contact, I thought this could have been ruled a catch in-bounds.


���������� Wilson two 13-yard passes, including a nice pluck on a 3d & 7 slant in the 1Q.He hurt his ankle on this play and did not return.


���������� Holmes had 1 grab for 18 yards.Morey was pressed into service as a WR and did nothing.Reid did not dress. ���B+


TE:Tuman caught an easy 2-yard TD pass.Miller had 2 grabs, including a good TD catch on a blistering pass from Benji.The blocking was merely okay.�� B


OL: A marked improvement from last week's grab-assed stand-around.Simmons had a dumb-assed false start on 4th & inches, but overall the mental boners were kept to a minimum.�� The run blocking still leaves a lot to be desired, though.��� B-


DL:Another marked improvement.The line didn't get shoved around like it did last week.Keisel had an active game.Cadillac and Smalstott never got the running game going for Tampa.B+


LB:The LB corps helped stop the run and also added 2 picks by 2 entirely unlikely candidates -- Foote and Kriewaldt.�� Farrior was active and went sideline to sideline all day long.Joey Porter added a couple of Dong Sacks to his resume, bowling over Michael Pittman in a solo blocking assignment for an early sack and then chasing down Gradkowski on a coverage sack.Haggans was fairly quiet and chipped in with 4 A's and zero solos.A-


DB:Facing a rookie QB and the anemic Tampa WR corps, this was a fairly easy task.McFadden again started and had a solid game, leading the team in tackles.He also made a good play on an EZ lob for an INT in the 3Q, and forced a fumble early in the 3Q.Ty Carter started in place of Pola and did a solid job.He chased down a running play for a 2-yard loss in the 2Q.He also came flying up for a flash and slash of Becht on a 4th & 2 out pass that was stopped for 1-yard.Even Pola would have admired this play.


���������� Towsend had a large share of struggles today.He was badly juked by the bootfooted Gradkowski on a 3rd & 3 scramble that netted 4.A short while later, he read the WR screen and stepped in for the easy INT, but clumsily dropped the pass with nothing but green acres in front of him.


���������� Tony Smith got some decent PT, for once.He may have been guilty of the botched coverage that allowed Clayton to be wide open on the deep ball that he dropped in the 3Q.

���������� B �������


Spec teams:Not great, but not the usual slop that we've become accustomed to seeing.Madison had a nice swoop and stop on punt coverage in the 1Q.Ditto for Jamie Harrison in KO coverage in the 2Q.Tony Smith had a good stick in punt coverage in the 3Q.Reed nailed a 50-yard FG, the longest NFL FG ever booted at The Heinz Bog.Daven had a decent KO return to start the 2H, but then coughed the ball up.Fortunately the Stiller recovered. Gardocki got off a piss-poor punt from his own EZ in the 3Q.Reed missed an easy 32-yard chippie in the 4Q.�� B-


OC:A rather bland, vanilla game plan.Seemed like Cheezenhunt dumbed down this game plan due to the lethargy of the Tampa offense and the mud pit at Heinz Field.I was stunned in the 1Q, when, on 3d & 7, Heath Miller was in the pattern and was thrown the ball, which netted 11 yards !!Wow, imagine, using Miller on 3rd down as something other than an extra pass blocker !!�� ��B-


DC:Dick had the easy luxury of facing the greenhorned rookie QB and an anemic offense.He shouldn't be too elated, as Tampa dropped 2 obvious TD passes.B


HC:At least the team played better than the embarrassing assbeating that took place last week.Still, the team looked, for much of the game, as though it was disinterested and all too nonchalant.B.


Playing Surface:An absolute disgrace.It's embarrassing to have, by far, the worst surface in the NFL.F


Synopsis:A struggling team takes any "W" it can get, although this one was a bit of a bland bore against an NFL bottom feeder.Up next, the hated Brownies visit Pittsburgh for a Thursday nite primetime game.Any chance field turf can be installed in the next 2 days?(Yes, I know�..since NE did it, the NFL has outlawed the in-season replacement of a surface with a different surface.)



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)




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