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Loose Slag from The Still Mill

October 24, 2007 by Still Mill

Loose Slag on the Steelers
Loose Slag from The Still Mill������ Oct 24, 2007 ����


- Aside from Bruce Arians, the thing I�m most growing weary with at this point are these pre-game love fests that are happening too often before games. ��I�d previously written about the absurd hug-fest before the Arizona game.�� Whisenhunt and Grimm spent what seemed the entire pre-game warm-up hugging and making small talk with our players.I believed then and now that this was psychological warfare on their part against us.Sunday nite in Denver, there was another pre-game love fest that drew my ire.�� I'm as Christian as the next guy, but Sunday nite we had what looked like half the Steelers team going out to midfield to hug and kiss the widows of two deceased Broncos players.The Pittsburgh organization could've done something else to pay their respects as a whole the day before the game.That would've been classy.Or, perhaps Rooney himself, and/or Colbert, could have represented the team well enough before the game.But to have several of our team leaders taking part in this event was excessive and once again I believe contributed to the Stillers playing flat and flaccid for most of the game.


���������� I won't say that all the hugging and kissing with rivals before the Arizona and Denver games led directly to both our defeats.A lot of others factors explain why we've looked like manure our last 2 road games (start with game plans and poor adjustments).But I'm of the opinion that once a team puts on the pads and is dressed for action, it should not be overly friendly with the opposition.Call me old fashion, but that's my opinion.Thinking back, I don�t ever recall -- EVER -- seeing Jack Lambert, Mike Webster, or Mel Blount part of any pre-game grabass or glee club type of event.


���������� Remember, you hear it all the time�.�The NFL is a copycat league�.�� Soon enough, the Stillers will be coaxed into a weekly parade of pre-game ceremonies and love fests, unless Tomlin puts his foot down and says that enough is enough.��


- I hate to keep asking��but when, uh, will we ever see this vaunted �Hurry Up Offense� that Arians crowed about during the entire summer ??If the intent was to pass on the Doncos early on in order to open things up, would not a little bit of hurry-up have helped, especially with Champ Bailey out of the lineup??


- The Stillers are sticking to their claim that they wanted to pass in the 1H in order to open things for the ground game. The fact that they scored on their first series, mostly in the air, should have done that.�� And, with that accomplished, they could have worked on pounding the ball on the ground against the NFL�s worst run defense.Instead, after Parker gained 7 yards, they passed twice and punted, and then passed twice to start the next possession, ending with the INT by Bly. ��It all leads to the very obvious conclusion that not only is Arians running a grab-bag offense, but he has no clue as to game planning and shifting gears.��


- Another question that has been bugging me�.with such versatile players such as Hines Ward, CedWilson, and Tonio Holmes, why have the various �trick� plays been totally eradicated from the playbook??�� If a defense is diving 9 players into the box, isn�t it reasonable to think that a quickie pitch, an end around, a reverse, or a halfback option pass might be the tonic to take advantage of a selling-out- overzealous defense ?Remember, there is noNFL rule that says a team must wait until the 4th quarter before running these plays.��


- Last point on the offense, before I shift gears and beat on the defense, which played like utter dogshit on Sunday.�� Said Ben Roth in the Trib Review, �We got ourselves into some third-and-long situations and they dropped into a Tampa-2 that we weren't exactly prepared for, hadn't really seen it from them."�� Uh, say what ??��� My gawd, the entire NFL plays some version of the Tampa 2.�� The Doncos had played 5 games prior to this one.The Stillers had TWO WEEKS to prepare for this game.TWO WEEKS!!��� And the QB is claiming that a simple cover 2 was something �we weren�t exactly prepared for� ??�� Aside from heavy boozing, what exactly did that sorry bastard Arians do during the bye week?


-The PG�s Geno Collier beat me to commenting on this play -- the bubble screen to the left to Marshall on Denver�s 3Q TD drive.What a fiasco!!�� There were 3 WRs lined up to the left, and ONE Steeler DB, with Troy lined up just outside the normal OLB area as a blitzer.�� Even if Troy doesn�t blitz, you have an ugly mismatch.�� For a defense with ZERO rookie starters and ZERO players that are in their 1st year as a starter, HOW does stupid shit like this occur ??


- Having watched the game twice via DVR, I�m still appalled by the total lack of pass pressure and harassment by the defense.�� Remember, I�m not fretting about sacks.I�m talking about a simple paw in the face of a QB, or some heat just as the QB releases, or some pressure to make the QB shorten his stride on his delivery.Sunday nite, there was NONE of that.�� What I can�t understand, is why LaMar Woodley is being marooned on the BENCH during all of those 3rd & 14�s, amidst long drives when other rushers must be tired AND the fact that the game was played in altitude, which screams for the use of substitutions at pass rusher in order to keep fresh lungs in the game.��



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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