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April 12, 2007 by Swissvale72



Schedule Day

By Swissvale72




My personal highlight of the off-season was yesterday; the release of the NFL Schedule.�� Hell with baseball, who cares about hockey playoffs (�specially after last night); it�s time to plan the pilgrimages, the sojourn to Heinz Field.In fact, last night had me so forward looking to spring & summer, that I broke down, shelled out $20 for sunglasses at Walgreen�s.Now�.this may not sound like a lot, and my purchase certainly doesn�t rival a Coco Chanel, which I understand has reinvented the definition of a 360 at Fashion Island, but my Foster Grants were double in price of last year�s shades.Would�ve kept the old ones, but they cracked during my Anaheim trip in February�got roughed up going from the Bail Bondsman to the Sushi joint, back to the Bail Bondsman.Tellinya, absolute highlight of Anaheim was this turn off of Santa Ana Canyon Road.


Anyway, the schedule, the pilgrimage, the sojourn.I went to last year�s opener�.had planned to do so again versus Buffalo.Now I don�t know.What happened?Don�t know�..that�s a good answer, huh?86 x 44�..Oh yeah, maybe that�s it.Did you know that Penn State plays Buffalo (yeah�the college Buffalo) the preceding day, and then the Steelers play Buffalo on Sunday.How�s that for a coincidence.I wonder if they�ll take the same flight, share players??I never knew there was such a thing as Buffalo in the college ranks.Though, who�s ever heard of Lebanon Valley College?Recent mailings have let me know that the old alma mater is now Lebanon Valley College of Pennsylvania��lest it be confused with the Middle East, mom & dad send their kid�s care packages to Beirut.�� So, the opener�s a question mark.


Have to take my son to a Penn State-Steeler doubleheader.Two choices�..Penn State-Iowa on October 6th, followed by Steelers-Seahawks the following day.�� How about that�.root against the black & gold on Saturday, root for the black & gold on Sunday.Should I attend the local high school�s football game on Friday night, I could make it a hat trick, rooting for the local black & gold 11.When I first took my son to a high school game, the Sabres ran out on the field, the little fella turns to me, says,Dadddy; is that the Steelers?���

Only other choice is Penn State-Purdue on November 3rd, followed by Steelers-Ravens on November 5th, a Monday nighter.�� My boy favors this for two reasons:

1)       It�s the exact same doubleheader, even down to the Monday nighter, that we attended in 2005.

2)       He�d need to miss some school�..always a favorite.


Of course, I could bag the Penn State portion, go to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving, and let me tell you, a good Pittsburgh Dago Turkey Day trumps the WASP Bullshit that I need to endure here in New England any day.Goes for most holidays.�� Let�s take the recently past Easter holiday for instance.Personally, I have zero use for Easter unless I�m in Pittsburgh enjoying the likes of Ricotta Pie, and a bunch of other Dago food that I won�t even attempt to spell.Noon on Holy Saturday, eat like pigs!!Anyway, called my Mom on Easter morning; they were having raviolis� all-time favorite.I never order raviolis in a restaurant though, �cause they won�t give me 44 of them, which is my all time record.They give you like�.8 stinkin� raviolis.What the hell am I going to do with 8???Holidays we had raviolis in Pittsburgh, I ate nothing else.Ate no turkey on Thanksgiving�.was all-ravioli, all the time.Ate so may raviolis I�d pop buttons on my shirt.True story!!My brother, TonyV15220 on the board will verify..Ate, shudder at the thought, no ham on Easter.�� Ham�.that�s what my in-laws had last week.And at one point, during the meal, someone said the words I dread, �Hey�.this ham is really good.�To which I automatically reply, �How fuckin� good can ham be?�Truthfully, I leave out the f-bomb�..but it�s sure in my thoughts.


Sorry�.I�m distracted today, rambling, I know it.Back to the sched.Maybe we�ll substitute a good Pittsburgh Dago Turkey Day for a Penn State game, then stick around for the Monday Nighter against the Dolphins on Light Up Night.I read that Peezy has some �unfinished business.� Y�know, I�m starting to get sick of his shit.I�ll cheer for him when he�s introduced, when he runs through the tunnel.Then�.ay..ayay, Peezy�..your unfinished business consists of your breaking your fuckin� leg at Heinz Field, and I�ll be rootin� for it.


So, therein lie my pilgrimage possibilities.�� The opener vs. Buffalo, Seattle, Baltimore, Miami.My ass will be in the house for 2 of those 4 games.


Now� brother was praying to the Football God for a bye week, or a Monday Nighter on the weekend of October 20-21, �cause his knuckle-headed son, for some yet to be explained reason, is getting married on Sunday, October 21st.My Mom said something about their getting married in some church that�s a historic landmark.Hey Bride & Groom, that historic landmark very nearly had TVs on the alter during your nuptials, but the Footballl God at least smiled a bit on the family, and conceded a Sunday Nighter at Denver�there will be TVs at the reception.Time those toasts strategically.I mean�..what� s wrong at getting married at Madonna Del Castello Church in Swissvale, known as Big Winky�s.�� It seriously had the same exact roofline as the Winky�s next door.Remember Winky�s???Was the oddest thing.There was Winky�s, then the churchwas built with the same exact roofline!! Winky�s is now a CoGo�s.Swissvale had 3 Catholic churches, the Dago church, Madonna�..the Irish Chruch, St. Anselm�s�know only as St.A�s�.and the Hunky Church�..St. Barnabas.What the fuck kind of name is Barnabas???For that matter, what the fuck kind of name is Anselm.We all know Madonna though.Dagos win!!!��By the way, Saturday, October 20th is the day of the famous Wall Street Parade in Donora��biiiiiiig Mon Valley event.


I see on the Board where people are predicting the Steelers record this year, taking a game by game approach.Me??Once again, I�m predicting a 13-3 record.Looking down the schedule, here�s my predictions by week, W indicating win, L indicating loss.

















What�s that you say, I predicted no losses, this would be a 16-0 record.That�s right, one of the prognosticator�s great mysteries.As a whole, as a sum of the parts, as a body of work, I�m going with 13-3.Looking at the season with each game its own entity, we win �em all.�� Here�s the thing.I never predict the Steelers to lose the next game on the schedule�.never!!My colleague, CK, on this page, has been criticized for always predicting a Steeler win.If I did analysis like he does every week, along with a prediction, I�d do the same thing��guaranteed!!I�d offer objective analysis, breakdowns�..followed by a prediction that our fan base can absolutely count on.I�m not going to pick my team to lose.No way�no how!!


Closing thought�..I really wish the Steelers were playing in San Diego this year.I would have tried to go to that one.I still have this recurring dream of a perfect San Diego weekend.�� Ideally, would be scheduled for the first weekend in November�.I bet that�s absolutely ideal in San Diego�..1114��Steeler victory over the Chargers�.send the Undocumenteds home in a tither�perfect weekend!!Maybe in �08.

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