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January 22, 2007 by Swissvale72








By Swissvale72





It�s 5:12am, the morning after, and I couldn�t WAIT to write about the football game that I�ve enjoyed most in my life, that was not a Steeler game, or affected the Steelers in some way.I LOVED that game�.haven�t enjoyed a non-Steeler game that much since, oh�.last year�s Pats playoff loss to Denver�and before that, it was Pats� season-ending loss to Miami�..


Couple Steeler-related nuggets from last night�s game��

Steelers did on consecutive playoff weeks what Pats could not do in consecutive playoff years

-Win in Indy

-Win in Denver


Steelers did in Indy what Pats could not do last night

-Hold on to a 21-3 lead


Marty Schottenheimer & Bill Belichick did on consecutive weeks what Bill Cowher did once in 15 years

-Lose an 11-point lead (reluctant to offer Cowher any props at this point, but it is true)


Catch Belichick�s interview with Solomon Wilcots after the game�.poor Solomon was clearly afraid to ask a 3rd question after such�uh�terse�.replies�..meantime Marino & Boomer were essentially saying��What the Fuck?� back in the studio�


I can�t fuckin� wait to go to work today�..stop at the gas station down the street�.laugh my fuckin� ass off� my Pats friend on their voicemails after hours�.laugh my ass off�..might have to buy one of those laughing bags for the occasion.




Break out the bottles�.FOUR in SIX years is Safe�.


And now�.about the undeserving Pats fan base�..


Couple last notes about this classic game:

Remember�.Pats had a 21-3 lead, and had just completed a pass to Troy Brown for a first down at the 20�got flagged for a marginal OPI.Looked as though they would extend the lead to at least 24-3, perhaps blow the game open at 28-3 at half.


Addai�s winning TD�.Dickhead Teddy Bruschi got buried and the Fat Fuck Vince (Can�t put down my ) Wilfork got completely knocked on his ass.


And�.we criticized Marty last week.What about Belichick not calling timeout after Indy�s first down run from the 11.What the fuck was he waiting for.Has to figure that Indy�s a good shot to tie the game�.and shouldn�t he have as much time left on the clock as possible�..would have had 1:35 left instead of just 1 minute had he used timeouts after both 1st & second downs��game ended with a timeout in his pocket.Remember, Indy had only one timeout�.let�s say Indy doesn�t make it on 3rd down, had NE called TOs #1 & 2 to that point, let the clock run to about 1:25 (play should have started with about 1:40 left had Belichick used 2 TOs up to that point), call TO�..that way, had Indy lost the ball on downs�Pats could have still run out the clock�..


Pats�.Red Sox�.the familiar New England sports heartbreak has returned.Cant� wait to read today�s Boston Globe�.always soooooooooooo much better after a Pat loss�.this one of epic proportions�


Last Friday, Dan, in my office�..had said to me�.�y�know, next year, we�ll be chasing One for the Thumb.�I bristled�..HAHAHAHAAHA�..Not so fuckin� fast, Danny�not so fuckin� fast!!!!



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