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The Gospel, Volume 6, Chapter 1 by FC

September 06, 2006 by Still Trivia

Steelers with the Ball:

Charlie Batch will run the "same offense" as Ben. The Steelers passing game in base formations (2 backs 1 Te,1 Back 2 Tes) is based off Play action and Qb Movement (Roll outs).To "run" an effective play action passing game the threat of the run has to be there..And Lets face facts...Cowher loves to pound the rock..The Run game is a mind set..The Steelers always play Physical football. Nick Saban will not allow the run game to get started..If this means he has to commit 9 to the box..He will. Saban will make Batch beat him. Batch has the ability to make plays on the move...He can read a defense..and he's a fucking warrior..Yes he gets hurt...He always competes...Broken hand last year anyone?


Max Starks and Kevin Carter- An old fashioned Gator war. Carter is in big trouble. Carter relies on his strength and size to beat Tackles..Starks is 3 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier..Starks struggles with Quick def ends and technicians...Carter is neither. Kevin Carter will do something most Def Ends can not due...He will change the Steelers run blocking scheme...Steelers have no Te on the roster who can "root him" out with a down block. Starks will have to get movement on Carter and turn him inside to secure the edge of the defense..Very difficult block. Starks should be fine in Pass Pro...Carters game is power.

Simmons and Fat Traylor...See Having no Te who can block Carter really fucks up this Matchup for the Steelers ..Starks would cave this fat fuck in all day..Simmons wont move him...Lets hope he can turn/ wall Traylor away from the play..Traylor is a 16 year vet who has made his living squatting on the run.. Simmons will be fine in Pass Pro...This matchup favors the Dolphins

Hartings on the Dolphins Backers....After Helping Simmons with every run between the 1 and 6 holes..Hartings will display why he's the best center in the NFl...Watch him pick off moving targets...Thing of beauty. He will run the Oline in Pass Pro make the calls...Saban will show every blitz look you can think of..He is a mad man.

Faneca and Holiday...Vonnie I will give you this...You played the run well at Def End...Your going to catch a beating from Faneca ...This matchup the Steelers will dominate in the run game. Pass Pro scares me a little...Holiday can rush the passer a bit.

Marvel Smith And Jason Taylor...Run game wont even be funny..Marvel will seek and destroy..Taylor wants no parts of the run game...He will run down plays from the backside...When ran at...He folds up like a card table. Taylor is long lean, Super quick and slippery rushing the passer...This matchup will be a draw...Smith will dominate the run game...Taylor the passing game.

Krieder on Dolphins Backers- This could be fun to watch....Spragan and Crowder will try to run through blocks...Krieder is a fucking hammer..Its also early in the season..Krieder is fresh...Krieder may kill these boys. Zach Thomas anticipates plays and blocking schemes better then any backer in the NFL...He will make plays...They will be four yards down field.

Parker- If he was fast he would be special...Willie find the hole...Willie hit the hole.. Willie do your thing...Willie protect the ball.

Ward and Will Allen- If Ward is right...He will make Allen his bitch....Ward is just to damn mean and nasty for soft ass Will Allen..Will Allen can fly..he's 190 lbs and 5-10...Ward will just get position and win the battles for the balls..Like he always does

Daniels and Wilson...I love this matchup...Daniels is ultra aggressive..Wilson is a fine route runner. Wilson should take him to the school. Daniels will support the run like a motherfucker.

Miller Tuman(Euhus) Vs Dolphins safeties....I will include run game here...Neither Miller or Tuman can block down and move Carter...Both can block down and destroy Jason Taylor in the run game. Both can handle the Dolphins Olbs. Miller should make his living this year down the seam... No fucking way Tillman or Hill can cover him. Miller has special hands and a understanding of the passing game...He reads defenses finds the hole and sits.

Charlie...My man motherfucking man..WPIAL baby. Protect the ball..Make good decisions. Play your game. I spoke in depth about Batch above.. Batch doesn't have great arm strength its not even moderate. He needs to make quick reads and let his receivers make plays

Multi Wr Sets.....

The Dolphins Nickel and Dime backs are tiny and terrible

Terrible Would be Mike Lehan- He makes Coke look like Mel Blount

Tiny would be Andre Goodman...Makes Willie Williams look big.

Holmes and Washington will have chances to make plays. Catch the ball!!!!!!

Dolphins with the Ball:


I am expecting an Offense similar to the Steelers with Kordell. Mularkey see's Culpepper as mobile...Sometimes accurate...with a cannon. To win games you have to control the trenches...Dolphins will have major issues blocking the Steelers.


Carey and Smith...Carey is fucking nasty...He's limited though...He's short fat and slow...3 Things that are not good for a tackle. Smith should win most matchups....My hope is Smith can bring something rushing the passer..Advantage Steelers

Bennie Anderson On James Farrior....Anderson will help Hadnot all day long with Casey...Anderson cant reach the second level...Why the Ravens cut him...He is not short...Just fat and slow...Dolphins are in big trouble here.

Hadnot on Hampton....Ouch....Hadnot will look like he has the Roller blades strapped on even with help from both playside guards...Huge advantage Steelers

Jeno James on Foote...Thank god Hampton is a beast..James is great at the second level...Foote will just get underneath those blocks...And make plays. Draw

Lj Shelton and Kiesel....Both are athletic...Kiesel is in far better shape...He may school Shelton in the passing game...Run game I will call a draw...Shelton is pretty good run blocking. Slight Advantage Steelers.

Randy Mcmicheal On Porter and Haggans...He wont be able to block either in the run game...He will kill both of our safeties in the passing game... Love the matchup in the run game...Fear it mightily in the passing game.

*Porter will have a nice night rushing the passer*

*Haggans will have a dominate night rushing the passer*

Chambers on Ike...2 of the best athletes in the Nfl matchup..Ike wont shut him down...No corner can...I bet Ike holds his own...Chambers is sneaky physical..Can jump out the of the stadium ..Culpepper has a cannon and the Steelers don't have the most reliable coverage safeties in the NFL

Booker on Shea...Booker is a pro's pro...He will make plays on the ball....Hes decent.. nothing special....Deshea has a habit of making plays at the last second...I have zero fear of this matchup.

Barnes� One of the best NFl signings no one talks about...Barnes is a great blocker...Great receiver..He will destroy ANY of our Lbs if they meet in the hole. He is a good player. ( I did know Beasley got cut...Typo...Thanks HNCTB)

Ronnie Brown...Does everything very well...Future NFl Super Star...The Oline will be the problem ..Not Ronnie Brown

Culpepper...Never been a fan...Without Randy Moss he has sucked...Outdoors throughout his career he has sucked...His Total number of Turnovers(Fumbles lost+ INTS) is staggering. I don't think he's good...I don't think he's Avg...At best Mediocre. He can run.. his ability to scramble scares me...He has a cannon..If the Steelers blow coverage's he will make big plays. If you make him sit in the pocket and make reads HE WILL FUCK HIS TEAM.

Dolphins Have a lot of faith in 3 Wr Derek Hagan...I think he blows.

Wes Welker is a poor mans Tim Dwight

What I Think:

Dolphins will show 8-9 in the box early.

Cowher will allow Batch to audible and make plays Via the passing game...He has too.

Dolphins will back the extra defender out of the box.. The run game will surface.

Steelers Oline will dominate The Dolphins Front 7.

Steelers Front 7 will dominate the Dolphins Oline.

The Steelers safeties will be victimized early and often..Missed tackles and Blown coverage's.

The Steelers will seal the game on 30 Yard Fumble Return By Larry Foote.

29-17 Steelers

5 Fgs by Reed

TD Batch to Holmes

TD Larry Foote


By FC, September 5, 2006

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