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Porter Gets the Boot!!

March 01, 2007 by Still Mill

Joey Porter Gets The Boot !


More prayers have been answered!!   The Big Mouth, Joey Porter, has been cut!   His sorry ass his gone!   Outa here!   Sayanara!!   C-ya bye bye!!  


First it was Fat Jerome Bettis, and then Bilbo Cowher to be sent packing�.and now The PorterPotty !!   With housecleaning like this -- getting rid of tons of deadwood -- the Stillers cannot help but be a far better team next season.  


Earlier in his career, Porter was a superb player, reaching his zenith in the MNF contest against Oakland in Sept. 2002 when he was a 1-man wrecking machine that evening.  Sadly, that was eons ago. is proud to have been the very first, and the most vocal, critic of Joey PorterPotty.  We exposed this man as a fraud starting in the 2005 season, amidst the rest of Steeler fandom worshipping the man and fawning over him as though he were Lawrence Taylor, Jack Ham, and Ted Hendricks all rolled into one.  We here at have dogged this boorish, under producing loudmouth ever since, culminating in a Pulizer-prize winning feature entitled The Porter Potty Report. 


Of course, we've heard all sorts quibbling and rationalization from the PAA (Porter Apologists Association), blaming the last 2 season's of gross failures on everything from global warming to the mating habits of the Australian hippopotamus.  "Joey was double teamed on EVERY down..."   "Joey was back in coverage on practically every play�."   "Joey was ganged up by the entire opposing offense�."   "Opposing teams ran away from Joey on every play in order to avoid him�."    It's all complete, unadulterated bullshit.   Big Joey was nothing but a complete bag of wind the past 2 seasons, spouting off with all kinds of bullshit but doing very, very little on the field.  There's an old saying:  "Action talks, bullshit walks."   The past 2 seasons, all Porter did was spout bullshit, with very little action. 


You'll hear blather about how "Porter led the way to Sup Bowl 40".   He didn't lead the way for jackshit anything.  He did NOTHING in the AFC playoffs.  Sure, he had a couple of DONG sacks in the final 2 minutes of the win over Indy, in which he was totally UNTOUCHED and UNBLOCKED.   For the first 58 minutes of the game, Big Joey did absolutely NOTHING.  Getting an untouched DONG Sack is hardly "leading" a team to victory.  In the Super Bowl, he once again did jack shit NOTHING, getting thoroughly outplayed by fellow OLB Clark Haggans, who makes about one tenth of what Big Joey does.  


And so we proclaim again, BYE BYE, Joey!!    Don't let the door hit ya in the ass, ya fag!   See ya later!!   Enjoy the Porta Potty business!" 


(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)


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