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Stillers-Saints Postgame Analysis and Grades

November 12, 2006 by Still Mill

Stillers 38, Saints 31 Game #9 ���
Stillers 38, New Orleans 31 ���. Nov. 12, 2006 ����Game #9��


Stillers-Saints Postgame Analysis and Grades


The Stillers jumped all over the Saints early on, grabbing a 14-0 lead.But the Aints fought back and took a 24-14 lead into the locker room at halftime.The Stillers showed some rare resolve and moxy, and clawed back, thanks to some big plays by Willie Parker and some rare turnovers created by the defense.When it was over, the Stillers won their third game of the season, 38-31.




QB:Ben had a very solid game, going 17-28 for 264 yards and 3 TDs, all with zero INTs.He seemed in command the entire game and directed the offense to several good marches.He hit Wilson on the deep bomb, after a deft play-fake, in the 3Q, and also made a huge 16-yard completion on a rifled out to Ward on 3d & 8 late in the 4Q that allowed the offense another set of downs to chew more clock.One of his few mistakes all day, was taking a 9-yard sack in the 3Q after having an eternity in the pocket.Overall, a job well done.�� A.


RB:Fast Willie Parker busted - literally and figuratively -- out of the ground game doldrums with a spectacular game, keyed by long jaunts of 72 and 76 yards.He also had several other quality runs, such as the grinding 13-yarder in the 3Q and the 4Q TD run in which he bounced it wide after seeing nothing open up the gut, and then stiff-armed a hapless Saint DB en route for the short TD run.Davenport had a couple carries and also caught 1 pass.This reception drew some rage from me, as Daven had an acre to run and a chance to salt away the game late in the 4Q, but was tripped up on a shoestring slap by Grant 2 yards short of the 1D.�� Duce Staley, the multi-million dollar ornament, was not permitted to dress.�� John Kuhn, however, did dress and played some on ST.���� A.


FB: It's no surprise that FWP had the big game, because Kreider had a strong game as well.He had a terrific lead block on Parker's 6-yard run in the 1Q.Danny then had a good block on the 72-yard romp, as well as the 10-yard run 2 plays later.�� A.


WR:Hines led the way with 5 grabs for 86 yards and 1 TD.The 37-yard TD was vintage Hines Ward, as he snared a deep crosser, and then scampered in the final 15-yards for the TD.He also threw a good seal block on the Parker TD run.��


���������� Holmes had 2 grabs, 1 for 46 yards off a short completion when 2 Saint defenders smacked into each other.Unbelievably, Holmes didn't fumble the ball at all.


���������� Wilson made a nice adjustment on his long TD grab, and chipped in a block on Ward's TD.�� He drew my complete rage, however, when he totally pussed out on a short slant pass in the 4Q, dropping a perfectly thrown pass in fear of getting hit.


���������� Nate had a long, horrible day.3 passes clanged off his hands, two of which could have been TDs.Late in the 2Q, he simply dropped a high, but very catchable crosser from Ben in the EZ for what should have been an easy TD.He actually over-jumped this ball and got stuck in an awkward catching position, which is still no excuse.On the last play of the 1st half, Nate timed his jump nicely on the Hail Mary, and out jumped everyone and had the ball clang off both hands.This was a tough play, to be sure, but by no means miraculous or impossible.On the 1st series of the 3Q, Nathan dropped a deep crosser that was well thrown.To add salt in the wound, he failed to turn his head on an all-out Saint blitz on 3rd & 10 deep in NO territory, and Ben's quick pass skipped by, forcing a FG try.As a WR, you've got to read big blitz and adjust your route accordingly.�� Nate ain't a rookie any more and this kind of slop is unacceptable.��


���������� Ward, Holmes:A.���� Wilson, for his complete puss out:�� C+.��� Nate:D.


TE:Miller caught 3 balls for 30 yards, including a big 22-yarder.�� His blocking was decent.�� A.


OL: The much maligned O-line had a solid game today.Not great, but solid.Ben was given decent time and room in the pocket.Before the 2 long jaunts, Parker wasn't running wild, but he did have some 4, 6, 10, and 13 yard carries.

���� There were some warts, though.Okobi was pitifully poor on a 3d & 6 early in the 2Q, clumsily failing to pick up a looping rusher (Grant), which forced Ben into a hasty pass that was incomplete.If Okobi had simply moved his feet 5 inches laterally and swiveled his head just 6 degrees, he'd have gotten just enough of a bump on Grant that Ben would have been able to get off this pass relatively unfettered.


���� Faneca failed to kick out Grant -- whop was standing right in the hole, unblocked -- on a shovel pass to Ward that was snuffed for a 1-yard loss.Fan inexplicably bypassed the huge Grant and went to the 2nd level, looking for what, I have no idea.


���� Kendoll Simmons was literally wheeled all the way back to Ben on a sack late in the 3Q.Sure, Ben should have scooted or tossed this ball away, but it was sickening to see Simmons get wheeled back so casually.


��� Marvel Smith missed a simple, CAKE easy lateral shield block on Grant on the 3d & 6 screen pass to Daven late in the 4Q, which allowed Grant to chug after Daven and make the shoestring nip just 2 yards short of the sticks, thus forcing a punt.If Fat Ass Smith exerts just 2 calories of effort on this play, Davenport gains at least 15 yards on the play and the Stillers would have had a new set of downs to salt away the clock.As pissed as I was with Daven for being tripped up, I was 3 times more pissed at Smith for being so lethargic and brain-dead on this play.�� Hartings and Kemo did not dress.���������� B.


DL:The D-line had a spotty afternoon.They got gashed by Duce and Bush, who averaged 4 and 4.9 respectively.�� Keisel was terribly weak on Duce's short TD run, and also failed to recover a fumbled ball that was right within his grasp.Brett had a garbage sack off of pressure by Haggans.Keisel and Smith also did their best imitation of the Pitt defense, allowing Brees to squeeze in between the 2 of them like Houdini on a 3d & 5 scramble in the 4Q that netted 6.�� Smith had the costly 15-yard roughing the passer penalty, although I thought the penalty was unjust, primarily because he was pushed from behind at the last second, which forced him to stumble low (and barely love-tap Brees anyway).Hampton chipped in a little and also had a batted pass, but was flagged for an offsides.The line won't enjoy film sessions on Tuesday.��� C-.��


LB:As noted, the Saints running game was very successful, although they had to play with a deficit most of the game and didn't get as many carries as I'm sure they'd have liked.And Brees routinely had hours of time back in the pocket, including the deep ball to Stecker in the 4Q in which Brees literally played traffic cop, motioning with his hands 3 times to get Stecker to run deep, all the while totally unfettered back in the pocket.At that point, I half expected Brees to motion to the water boy for some Gatorade and a towel, as well as a mug of hot cocoa.�� Up and down the LB corps, there were pockmarks galore.

���������� Farrior and Haggans had the best overall game from this crew.Farrior was fairly steady, including a FF, but he was shamefully weak on the Duce TD run.


���������� Haggans had a solid overall game.He forced a sack by whipping a FB and applying heavy pressure on Brees.He also forced a fumble on a strip of Brees at the end of a scramble, though NO recovered.He had surprisingly good coverage and a bust-up on a deep out to Colston in the 4Q.Hagg was flagged for an offsides in the 4Q.


���������� Foote had a long day.He dropped an INT in the 1Q that would have been returned for an easy TD.In the 2Q, he found himself hopelessly in pursuit of Colston on a crosser that resulted in a 27-yard gain.On Bush's TD run, Foote took a poor angle and was too slow to nail Bush at the corner, which allowed Bush to turn the corner and dash up the sideline for the TD.In the 3Q, Foote came charging in on the blitz, and like a complete dumbass left his feet, only to be juked by the slowfooted Brees, who then completed a short dump to Bush for 13 yards.


���������� Joey Porter at least gave a semblance that he wasn't in a total stupor, although he was far, far from dominating.He was woefully weak on the 3rd & 4 out to Stecker in the 1Q, getting beaten on the pattern and then flailing after the reception was made.On the Bush reverse for a TD, Mr. Suck n' Blow got sucked in, once again, which allowed Bush easy access to the corner.Two weeks in a row, opponents have run misdirection plays RIGHT AT "the most feared man in the NFL", and both times the opponent has celebrated with a TD score.�� Big Joey, aka Mr. Suck n' Blow, gets sucked in, and then he blows !!��� What a fearsome LB Big Joey is !!��� Joey did get a fingernail on a deep crosser to Colston in the 3Q on 3d & 21, which minutely altered the flight of the ball but was enough to cause Colston to miss it.He also had rare, but good, presence to dash over to cover a dump to Duce on 3d & goal in the 2Q.


���������� Chad Brown dressed but did not play.


���������� Farrior and Hagg:B.����� Foote and Porter:�� C-.


DB:Facing a team missing its best all-around WR (Joe Horn), the secondary nonetheless got scorched and abused all game.Both Troy Pola and Townsend got hurt in late in the 1Q/early 2Q (respectively) and never returned.The patchwork secondary included the likes of rookie Anthony Madison.


���������� Ike was beaten on a short TD pass to Copper late in the 1Q, although this was a tough pass to defense.


���������� McFadden had a piss poor game.He was soft as butter on the 3d & 11 in the 1Q, allowing Copper an easy catch and run for 22 yards.On Bush's TD run, McFadden played this like a complete puss, meekly backing up OOB as though he were Jason GilDong's first cousin.He did help bust up a seam pass to Copper late in the 4Q.


���������� Tony Smith had a rocky day.On 3d & 10 in the 2Q, he was beaten badly down the seam by Colston for 29 yards.�� There were also a few instance of flailing and whiffing.��


���������� Ryan Clark got totally tooled on a pump fake and lob to Copper in the 3Q, good for 32 yards.


���������� Ty Carter again showed horrific tackling technique, with his head down and his arms nowhere in position to wrap, but to his credit, he luckily forced 2 fumbles, both of which the Stillers recovered.He was hobbled after the 2nd FF, but was able to walk off the field on his own power.Still, with such foolish technique, he's a walking time bomb for paralysis.


���������� To be fair, although the secondary sucked well water, the front 7 generated nothing in terms of pass pressure and harassment on Brees the entire day.��� C+.


Spec teams:A few good spots, but mostly subpar.Unbelievably, Holmes didn't fumble the ball at all.�� He even got a loud, warm round of applause from the home fans when he successfully fielded a punt on the fair catch without bobble or fumble.However, Sean Morey was tasked to return KOs (after Davenport was doing an outstanding job earlier in the game), and voila -- the first return by Morey resulted in a fumble.Luckily, we recovered and avoided another fiasco.Daven had 2 good KO returns in the 1H, but apparently, with toting the ball twice and catching 1 pass, the coaching staff thought he'd be too exhausted to do any KO return chores after midway thru the 2Q.The KO coverage was spotty, with Lewis returning one for 43 yards in the 2Q.Reed missed a 35-yard FG by about 3 feet to the left in the 3Q.Gardocki punted like complete dogshit, and it's more than apparent that a complete upgrade is urgently needed at this position next season.��


���������� Logan had a good stick and stop in KO coverage after Wilson's TD, and Tony Smith had a good stop in KO coverage early in the 4Q.��� C-.

OC:All week, we were inundated with talk about the Steelers wanting to return to the ground game.So on the very first series, Parker carried on 1st down and gained 3.Not super-duper, but not shabby, either.So on 2d & 7, what does Cheezenhunt do ?�� He immediately goes into the shotgun, and has Ben throwing the left-screen (which was run no less than 5 times today).If you're so set on establishing the running game, and if you want to capitalize on the play-action pass, then get the fuck out of the shotgun formation.��

���������� Give Cheezenhunt credit for going with the play-action, pump fake, deep bomb to Wilson on the 1st play after the Bush fumble.Hooray !�� 9 weeks into the season, Cheezenhunt finally calls a well designed, intelligent playcall that goes for the jugular rather than the 4-yard gain !!�� Hopefully we'll see another before, say, Christmas.�� B+.


DC:Facing an offense missing its best WR and down to really 1 go-to guy, Dick still got shredded like provolone cheese at a pizza parlor.Yes, Pola and Town were hurt, but injuries happen every week all over the NFL.�� At this point of the season, not many teams are playing with the same 11 that started the season back in early Sep.�� The pass rush was embarrassingly feeble and the coverages were soft and allowing of acres of open room.�� It's almost as if Dick and Pitt DC Paul Rhoads are spending far too much time together at the South Side complex.We already know Rhoads in a complete imbecile, and now it seems to be rubbing off on Dick.�� C-.��


HC:Cowhard once again looked disinterested and unemotional on the sidelines.At one point, they showed the dummy looking down the sidelines -- at essentially nothing -- as the ball was being snapped.He does deserve some credit for keeping the team's head in the game at halftime, when it appeared the team was in for a total collapse.B.


Synopsis:The Stillers bought themselves another week of being in the playoff hunt, with Cinci losing yet another game.Had Balt. lost, this could have been a huge day, but instead they are now 7-2.�� The Stillers get 2 shots at the PoeBirds, but have other games that they must take care of as well.Next week, the Stillers travel to Cleveland, which has, at times, been a house of horror.As Atlanta found out today in their home loss to Clev, there can be no let up.�� The playoffs remain a faint hope, but the team has to play with every ounce of desperation until eliminated.


���������� Note:I'll be undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 13).(I should probably stop kicking the TV every time Cowhard pisses me off !)I should be back on my feet in no time, but bear with me this week.��



(Still Mill and -- when it comes to the analysis of the Pittsburgh Stillers, no one else comes close�.)



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