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AFC Predictions

September 05, 2006 by Steel Smitter

AFC Picks for 2006-2007 season:


AFC East  (AFC South, NFC North)

  1. New England  12-4 (at Cinc, Denver)
  2. Miami 9-7 (at Pitt, KC)
  3. NY Jets 5-11 (at Cleve, Oakland)
  4. Buffalo 5-11 (at Balt, San Diego)


The trendy pick in the national media is to pick Miami to make waves, and possibly play the Super Bowl in their hometown. Not me. I do expect the Dolphins to be a good team, I predict them one game out of the playoffs. Even though I predict the Pats at 12-4, they may be in for a fall. The Jets QB situation is a mess, but if Pennington can lead them to a few upsets, playing Cleve and Oakland could give them an extra boost to contend for the playoffs.


AFC South (AFC East, NFC East)

  1. Indianapolis 11-5 (Cinc, at Denver)
  2. Jacksonville 10-6 (Pitt, at KC)
  3. Houston 5-11 (Cleve, at Oak)
  4. Tennessee 3-13 (Balt, at SD)


In the second half of the season, Houston will be a team no one wants to play. I have them 0-8 halfway, but finishing 5-3. Jacksonville needs to keep Leftwich injury-free the whole year, and if that happens, could challenge the Colts. It will be interesting to see how much the ass-kicking the Steelers gave them lingers.


AFC West (AFC North, NFC West)

  1. San Diego 10-6 (at Buff, Tenn)
  2. *Denver 10-6 (at NE, Indy)
  3. *Kansas City 10-6 (at Miami, J ax)
  4. Oakland 2-14


This is one of those divisions that the two games against non-common opponents may be the difference. I�m not sold on David Rivers yet, but the Chargers open at Oakland, then Tennessee before their bye week, giving Rivers what should be two �on paper� easy match-ups before the meat of the schedule. Oakland isn�t going anywhere, and it will be a pleasure watching them suffer this year.


AFC North (AFC West, NFC South)

  1. Pittsburgh 13-3 (Miami, at Jax)
  2. Cincinnati 6-10 (NE, at Indy)
  3. Baltimore 6-10 (Buffalo, at Tenn)
  4. Cleveland 5-11 (NYJets, at Hous)


I predicted the Steelers would go 13-3 before Ben�s surgery, and I will stick with it. Charlie Batch is competent enough to get us a win or two. Playing in Jax in September won�t be a problem heat-wise, there was plenty of heat and humidity at camp this year. Count me as one of those who think that when Duce is needed, he will respond. Parker gets another 1200+ yards, and Heath catches 50 or so. As Ben nears 40 wins before getting close to 10 losses as a started, the national media will continue to fawn over other QB�s. Even with a healthy Carson Palmer, the Ben-gals may be in trouble. Here is their opening 6 games: at KC, Cleve, at Pitt, New England, bye, at Tampa, Carolina. And their final three games are at Indy, at Denver, and Pittsburgh. I actually think Cleveland will be 4-4 at the halfway point and collapse down the stretch, but be an improved team. A few weeks ago someone asked which division team is the most hated. For me it will always be the Browns.


AFC Playoffs


  1. Pittsburgh 13-3
  2. New England 13-4
  3. Indianapolis 11-5
  4. San Diego 10-6
  5. Kansas City 10-6
  6. Denver 10-6


Wildcard Round

Indianapolis over Denver

San Diego over Kansas City


Divisional Playoffs Round

      Pittsburgh over San Diego

       Indianapolis over New England


       AFC Championship

        Pittsburgh over Indianapolis



             John Casey kicks a 52-yard FG with 1:09 left to give Carolina a 12-10 lead.  But Ben has two  timeouts left. On the third play, Ben hits Santonio on a crossing pattern, he breaks one     tackle, and outraces the Carolina secondary for the winning touchdown. STEELERS 17 PANTHERS 12.



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